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2014. 9. 20. 15:46

nVidia CUDA Driver 6.5.18 macOS2014. 9. 20. 15:46


nVidia CUDA Driver 6.5.18 


Posted by Ritz®™
2014. 2. 2. 17:06

10.9.2(Build 13C48) macOS/Mavericks2014. 2. 2. 17:06

I hope nVidia don't be late CUDA which is still not supported.


Posted by uno-ani

Nvidia, 쿼드로 끝판왕 K6000 출시.

  • 12GB DDR5 graphics memory
  • 2,880 streamline multiprocessor
  • supports four simultaneous displays and up to 4k resolution with display port 1.2
  • ultra-low latency video I/O and large scale visualization support.

Posted by uno-ani
2012. 9. 2. 14:26

Split & ConCat Application2012. 9. 2. 14:26

다음 그림과 같이 Split & Concat으로 던져넣어주면 분할 압축하거나 분할 압축된 파일을 풀어준다.


'Application' 카테고리의 다른 글

MacJournal 좋군요.  (0) 2012.11.01
iPhoto 슬라이드 쇼 만들기  (0) 2012.09.30
IRC Client 한글 세팅  (0) 2012.07.16
iStat Menus  (0) 2012.07.12
Android on Vmware Fusion EXP(Build 754644) Update  (0) 2012.06.23
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 6. 20. 15:48

NVIDIA Quadro FX4500 Hackintosh/Graphic Card2009. 6. 20. 15:48

First of all,
Thanks Aqua-Mac,

Instructions for Saving The Existing Rom on your Card

1. Create a Windows start up floppy disk.

2. Download the latest version of NVFLASH utility.

3. Copy the two downloaded files onto the floppy disk.

4. Place the Floppy into your computer, go into the bios (usually pressing the "Delete" button at startup and make sure the

computer is set to boot from your floppy disk drive.

5. The computer will boot from the floppy and you will hear the floppy disk being accessed.

6. When you get to the A: prompt, type the following;


eg ; nvflash -b save.rom


(leave a single space between as I have above or it will not work)

Remove the startup disk & reboot your computer, your rom will have been saved to the floppy disk.

Instructions for Flashing a New Rom to your Card

1. You need a Windows startup Disk again. If you have not already made one, copy steps 1 to 3 above then copy you new

Rom onto the disk as well.


2. Place the Floppy into your computer, go into the bios (usually pressing the "Delete" button at startup and make sure the

computer is set to boot from your floppy disk drive.


3. The computer will boot from the floppy and you will hear the floppy disk being accessed.


4. When you get to the A: prompt, type the following;

nvflash -4 -5 -6 -j romname.rom

(leave a single space between as I have above or it will not work. * romname, needs to be replaced with the actual name

of the rom you are flashing eg: nvflash -4 -5 -6 -j 5500.rom )

(leave a single space between as I have above or it will not work)

If you are flashing a rom such as the special roms above you will get two warnings. You will have to hit the "y" key 3

times as the device id and on some the vendor id is changed to nv The screen may go blank while the rom is flash When

nvflash has finished, remove the floppy disk and restart your computer. Your screen should burst into life.


What to do if your flash goes wrong. Even if you have no picture, you can bring your card back to life by following this procedure to the letter.


1. Don't panic.

Get access to another PC

You should have backed up your rom, Yes. Good go to step 3.  Well if you didn't, go here & drill down to the

manufacturer of your card and download the bios of your graphics card:



2. Rename the rom to something you remember if needed like:




It must finish with .rom & there must be no spaces.

Place this onto a windows boot floppy with the latest version of Nvflash.



3. Startup your computer, there will be no picture but don't worry, you are going to do this blind.

You should hear the floppy disk being accessed & watch the light carefully. When and only when it goes out you can type

the following:


nvflash -4 -5 -6 -j romname.rom


then hit return.

You will hear the floppy disk accessing for a while and eventually the light will go out.

At this point you will press the "Y" key on your keyboard. It should BEEP. If it does not, as can happen with a really bad

flash press it again and it should BEEP.

After a few seconds, the little light on the shift key on your keyboard will start flashing. When both it and the floppy

light have gone out you are done.

You can restart your computer & hopfully the screen should light up.

Posted by Ritz®™


GTX-2XX 시리즈 드라이버가 드디어 만들어 졌습니다.

GTX-260은 테스트 점검이 끝난 상태이지만, 타 시리즈도 될 수 있게 만들었다는 것이 개발자의 설명이었습니다.

하지만, 이 드라이버를 만들고 난 후 차후의 지원요청에 따른 부담감 때문에 드라이버 개발자가 공개하기를 꺼려하고 있습니다.

다만, 가까운 친구들에게만 공개를 하고 있습니다.

어쨌든 nVidia 계열 GTX시리즈도 이제는 해킨에서 사용할 수 있다는 뉴스입니다.

Posted by Ritz®™

New universal Injector for ati and nvidia, and multiple ati cards enabler.

source form Netkas : http://netkas.org/?p=104#comment-25268

This new kext, is natit 와 aty_init integrated 하나로 통합된 드라이버로서 주로 nvidia 그래픽 카드를 지원하며 특히, video 램크기를 읽어오는 부분을 좀 더 강화시켰습니다.

가능한 nvidia geforce8 시리즈 이상급에서 사용하시기를 권고합니다. 또한, ati cards의 램을 읽어오는 것을 지원합니다만, multiple cards를 위한 바이너리 추가는 진행하지 않았습니다.

MacPro ATI/Nvidia pc 카드 사용자들도 지원합니다. (예를들면, radeon 4890).

카드 상태는 아직 베타이지만, 동작은 잘 되지만 테스트가 필요합니다.

ati 이름으로는 부족하군요. 좀더 좋은 이름이 필요할 것 같은데 혹시 제안하실 거라도?

^ ^
nVidiaNATI Driver

'Hackintosh > Graphic Card' 카테고리의 다른 글

NVIDIA Quadro FX4500  (0) 2009.06.20
GTX시리즈 드라이버가 나왔군요.  (0) 2009.05.29
Callisto driver  (0) 2009.05.17
Callisto driver  (0) 2009.05.17
NVIDIA GEFORCE 9500 GT, IDENEB 10.5.5  (0) 2009.05.11
Posted by Ritz®™

다음 그림과 같이 순서대로 하여 주면 됩니다.

1. OSx86 Tool을 실행시켜, "Add EFI Strings/Boot Flag" 를 클릭한다.

2. "GFX Strings"를 선택한다.

3. GFX String Creator에서 "Choose"를 클릭한다.

4. 화면에 표시되는 그래픽 카드중 자신에 맞는 그래픽 카드를 선택한다.

5. 전 화면의 Hexadecimal EFI String (device-properties) 의 항목의 GFX-String 값을 복사한다.

6. 전 화면의 Boot Editor 에 그림과 같이 붙여넣어주고 "Apply changes to com.apple.Boot.plist"를 클릭하여 적용하여 준다.

Posted by Ritz®™