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2009. 4. 17. 20:34

The Pirate Bay Trial: The Official Verdict - Guilty News2009. 4. 17. 20:34

Just minutes ago the verdict in the case of The Pirate Bay Four was announced. All four defendants were accused of ‘assisting in making copyright content available’. Peter Sunde: Guilty. Fredrik Neij: Guilty. Gottfrid Svartholm: Guilty. Carl Lundström: Guilty. The four receive 1 year in jail each and fines totaling $3,620,000.

While only a few weeks ago, it seems like an eternity since the trial of The Pirate Bay Four ended and the court retired to consider its verdict. The prosecution claimed that the four defendants were ‘assisting in making copyright content available’ and demanded millions of dollars in damages. The defense did not agree, and all pleaded not guilty - backed up by the inimitable King Kong defense.

Today, Friday April 17, the court issued its decision.

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 17. 20:34

The Pirate Bay Trial: The Official Verdict - Guilty News2009. 4. 17. 20:34

Just minutes ago the verdict in the case of The Pirate Bay Four was announced. All four defendants were accused of ‘assisting in making copyright content available’. Peter Sunde: Guilty. Fredrik Neij: Guilty. Gottfrid Svartholm: Guilty. Carl Lundström: Guilty. The four receive 1 year in jail each and fines totaling $3,620,000.

While only a few weeks ago, it seems like an eternity since the trial of The Pirate Bay Four ended and the court retired to consider its verdict. The prosecution claimed that the four defendants were ‘assisting in making copyright content available’ and demanded millions of dollars in damages. The defense did not agree, and all pleaded not guilty - backed up by the inimitable King Kong defense.

Today, Friday April 17, the court issued its decision.

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 3. 6. 11:33

Vuze Application2009. 3. 6. 11:33

  • Vuze 이제는 쓸만 합니다.
  • Torrent s/w인데 xtorrent, Transmission 등을 사용하여 보았었지만, 몇가지 아픔이 있어서 Vuze로 넘어 왔습니다.
  • 이전에는 몇가지 버그들, 이를테면 윈도우즈용 콤포넌트가 설치되어 실행이 안된다던가 하는
  • 버그들이 있었는데 이제는 해결된 것 같군요.

'Application' 카테고리의 다른 글

Google Gears, WebKit nightlies, Safari 4 and Fluid.app  (0) 2009.03.09
Google Gears, WebKit nightlies, Safari 4 and Fluid.app  (0) 2009.03.09
BetterZip  (0) 2009.03.05
Google Picasa 무료 사진 관리 소프트웨어  (0) 2009.03.02
Cooliris  (1) 2009.02.28
Posted by Ritz®™