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2022. 11. 4. 17:12

GitLab Other OS/Linux2022. 11. 4. 17:12

흠 이 간단한 툴이 속을 썩였구먼,,,

자꾸 기준점을 잃어간다.

기준점을 잡고서 진행해야 한다.


Posted by Ritz®™
2022. 11. 3. 07:24

하 해킹 시도를 하다니,,,, Other OS/Linux2022. 11. 3. 07:24

밤사이에 해킹시도를 

하. 뭐 볼게 있다고

깜찍한 것들.......

흠  갑자기 이명박 정부의 북 해킹 사기가 생각이 나네,,,,,,

어쨋든 단기간에 30 만 노출 효과로 인한 광고효과도 확보하였고 

기하급수적으로 상승할 것이다.

전략에 따른 

단계적인 전술을 잘 활용하는

시스템을 구축하면

빠르게 급성장한다.

정확한 데이타를 바탕으로 한 시스템을 구축하여

일관성 있는 전략과 그에 따른 단계적인 전술을 활용한다면

30년 가내수공업 골목대장 놀이는 쉽게 극복하여 앞으로 나아갈 수 있다.

골목대장 놀이는 30년이 지나도 골목대장일 뿐이고 반드시 극복해야 한다.

수만개의 기업들이 쓰러지는 상황을 목도했고 

나름 그 해결방안이 눈에 그려지지만 

그럼에도 불구하고

우물안 개구리는 혜안이 없다.


이제 움직일 준비는 끝났다.

Posted by Ritz®™
2022. 10. 21. 09:11

메모리 용량 Other OS/Linux2022. 10. 21. 09:11


Docker를 돌리기에는 16G 램으로는 무리인건가?

음 Training을 시켜야 하는데

Risk가 넘 빡센데,,,,

성숙하지 못한 아,,,, 방법을 강구하긴 해야 하는데

또 투자를 해야 하고 아오

램을 미리 확보를 해두지 못한 것이 아픔이네,,,  된장....

Risk를 또다시 감수해야 한다면......

Posted by Ritz®™
2022. 10. 20. 07:06

DevOps CI/CD with Jenkins Ansible Kubernetes Other OS/Linux2022. 10. 20. 07:06


DevOps CI/CD with Jenkins Ansible Kubernetes 

Git, Docker, Jenkins, Maven, Ansible, Kubernetes, ElasticSearch EFK Stack, Grafana, Promethous Pipeline 구축이라...

Private Cloud 와 K8s 클러스터 기반에

Jenkins Plugin 까지는 

조금 더 깔끔하게 정리할 수 없을까?

DevOps 5개월간 손을 놓았더니 파이프라인 구축하기도 쉽지가 않네.  된장.

AR/VR서버는 Docker로 걍 대충 처리해버릴 수 있으면 좋으련만,,,,




오 된장 어떻게든 성공은 했다.

과정을 기록해 두지 않으면 

쉽게 잊혀진다.

Posted by Ritz®™

Mounting HFS+ with Write Access

Mac OS X  파티션이 문제가 발생했을 경우 우분투와 같은 리눅스에서 맥 시스템 파티션을 읽고 쓸 수 있게 해주는 간단하지만 강력한 툴이다.

1. hfsprogs
2. Others

hfsplus - Tools to access HFS+ formatted volumes
hfsutils - Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes

Posted by uno-ani

이제 Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal 를 Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail 로 업그레이드해야 할 시점이 된 듯 하지만, 권고하지는 않는다.  여전히 알파 테스트 버전이다.

1. 첫번째 방법:

$ sudo do-release-upgrade

2. 두번째 방법 :

12.10 에서 13.04로 업그레이드 하는 방법 중 다른 방법으로, 첫번째 방법보다는 어렵다. 즉,  /etc/apt/sources.list 를 다음과 같이 수정하여 업그레이드하는 방법이다.:

$ sudo sed -i 's/quantal/raring/' /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

3. 가장 어려운 방법으로  .iso image 를 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/, 로 부터 다운로드 받아서 stick 이나 혹은 dvd 에 넣고 설치하는 방법이다.

첫번째 방법을 권하지만 상황에 따라 쉬운 방법을 택하도록 한다.  만약 12.10버전이 없는 새로운 Ubuntu 사용자라면 3번째 방법을 이용해야만 한다.

Posted by uno-ani

1. 압축해제 방법
tar      -xvf         2010_1215_RT3572.bz2

2. 드라이버 다운로드

3. 설치방법

0. 먼저 config.mk화일의 내용중 "HAS_ATE=y" 로 "HAS_QA_SUPPORT=y" 로 수정한다.
1. 필요하다면 Makefile 의 내용중 "PLATFORM" 을 설정해 주어야 하지만, 대부분의 경우는 수정할 필요가 없다.
2. 필요하다면 "CROSS_COMPILE" 도 수정한다.
3. 그리고 'make' 명령어를 입력한다.
4. 드라이버 인터페이스(driver interface)가 시작되면 무선 인터페이스(wireless interface) 와 이더넷 인터페이스(ethernet       interface)를 브릿지 인터페이스(bridge interface)에 할당한다.
5. 만약 브리지 인터페이스(bridge interface)에 IP주소가 할당되지 않았다면, 다음과 같이 IP주소(IP address)를 이더넷 인터페이스(ethernet interface)에 할당해 준다.
   (예제 : '$ated -beth0')
6. 인터페이스가 포워딩 상태(forwarding states)가 되면, 커맨드를 입력하여 ated를 실행시킨다, 
(예제 : '$ated -bbrX -iraX')
7. 만약 WLAN 인터페이스(WLAN interface) 와 브릿지 인터페이스(Bridge interface)가 각각 "ra0" 와 "br0" 로 할당되어졌다면 단순히 다음과 같이 입력한다.
(예제 :   $ated)
   (실행옵션을 확인하기 위해서는,  $ated -h)
주의 : 
a. WLAN 인터페이스(WLAN interface)명은 기본적으로 "ra0"로 할당되어지고 브릿지 인터페이스(Bridge interface)는 기본적으로 "bra"로 할당되어진다. 혹은 다음과 같이 매뉴얼로 설정해주어야 한다.
(예제 : '$ated -bbr1 -ira2') 

Posted by Ritz®™

ASUS Eee PC 1005PEB Hackintosh Install From Linux

Notes taken while playing around with various Hackintosh distributions and Eee PC 1005PEB.  Since these do not have DVD drives, it will need to be installed using USB flash drive or USB hard drive.  If you have access to a USB DVD drive then it simplifies things alot.

Bottom line: I've not been able to install OS X on this yet.  Using below instructions, I am able to build a USB bootable installer.  Upon bootup, the kernel hangs at a place that usually mentions something about IOAPCI.  I'm hoping that the distributions I have just need an Atom processor compatible kernel to fix this hang.  I've tried various versions of Chameleon's "boot" with no luck.

What you need:

  • Obtain ISO image of a OS X install distribution.  OS X seems to use hybrid ISO9660/HFS+ images.  The distributions I've seen use the ISO9660 part to contain the second stage boot loader from Chameleon.
  • Obtain a USB flash drive that has at least 8G space or a USB hard drive would probably work as well.  Since DVD's are around 4.7G, a 4G USB drive will not fit all contents.
  • Latest version of NetBookInstaller Image

Prepare USB drive.

Make sure you have tools needed installed.  hfsplus-tools contains tools to format a partition has hfs+.

yum install gparted hfsplus-tools

First, you will need to create a boot partition that can be used to further boot the OS X Installation partition.  You should probably be able to do this by installing Chameleon onto a partition but all versions I tried would cause the kernel to crash pretty soon on initial bootup.  The NetBookInstaller team has done all the heavy lifting in this area though.  This util only runs from a pre-existing OS X install and if you don't have access then your stuck.  Someone has been kind enough to provide an existing image of this boot partition though. Download the latest as instructed for Linux.

Install to your USB disk as follows:

dd bs=8192 if=NBI_083F.img of=/dev/sdx

Once done, unplug and replug the USB drive.  You should find 1 HFS+ partition on this that Fedora will mount.

Run gparted and create an additional partition on your USB.  Format as HFS+ (although its not real important since we will overwrite it).

Gparted will NOT use the correct partition ID and you MUST fix this for the new HFS+ partition. Use fdisk to do this tasks:

fdisk /dev/sdx

Be sure and re-plug in the USB drive after this step to make sure the new MBR is loaded.  Then unmount any auto-mounted partitions.

Find the HFS+ Volume Header in ISO installer image.

hexdump -C osx86dvd.iso | grep "48 2b 00 04"
00038400  48 2b 00 04 80 00 00 00  31 30 2e 30 00 00 00 00  |H+......10.0....|

HFS+ partitions start 0x400 (1024) bytes before the Volume Header.  So subtract 0x400 from offset shown by hexdump (0x38400 - 0x400 = 0x3800 in this case). 

Overwrite partition on USB drive.

Use dd to overwrite the empty HFS+ file sytem we created previously with HFS+ parition.  Use bc to compute how many blocks to skip.  block size of 8192=0x2000.  Replace /dev/sdx1 with your unique drive number.

echo "ibase=16; 38000 / 2000" | bc

dd ibs=8192 obs=8192 skip=28 if=osx86dvd.iso of=/dev/sdx2

Re-plug in the USB drive and verify you can see the second partition contains this copied of HFS+ partition.  If you have qemu installed, you can test you successfully created a bootable image using:

qemu -hda /dev/sdx -m 1024

Misc Notes

If you come across a DMG compressed file (.dmg extension), you can use 7-zip to pull out the HFS+ file system.  This can be copied to a a pre-created HFS+ partition using above instructions (don't forget to change partition type of 0xaf).

7z x diskimage.dmg 2.hfs
dd bs=8192 if=2.hfs of=/dev/sdx1

You can use 7z to view inside this HFS+ file system and even extra individual files:

7z l 2.hfs

Or you can mount it:

mount -t hfsplus 2.hfs /mnt -o loop

ASUS Eee PC 1005PEB Hackintosh Install From Linux

Notes taken while playing around with various Hackintosh distributions and Eee PC 1005PEB.  Since these do not have DVD drives, it will need to be installed using USB flash drive or USB hard drive.  If you have access to a USB DVD drive then it simplifies things alot.

Bottom line: I've not been able to install OS X on this yet.  Using below instructions, I am able to build a USB bootable installer.  Upon bootup, the kernel hangs at a place that usually mentions something about IOAPCI.  I'm hoping that the distributions I have just need an Atom processor compatible kernel to fix this hang.  I've tried various versions of Chameleon's "boot" with no luck.

What you need:

  • Obtain ISO image of a OS X install distribution.  OS X seems to use hybrid ISO9660/HFS+ images.  The distributions I've seen use the ISO9660 part to contain the second stage boot loader from Chameleon.
  • Obtain a USB flash drive that has at least 8G space or a USB hard drive would probably work as well.  Since DVD's are around 4.7G, a 4G USB drive will not fit all contents.
  • Latest version of NetBookInstaller Image

Prepare USB drive.

Make sure you have tools needed installed.  hfsplus-tools contains tools to format a partition has hfs+.

yum install gparted hfsplus-tools

First, you will need to create a boot partition that can be used to further boot the OS X Installation partition.  You should probably be able to do this by installing Chameleon onto a partition but all versions I tried would cause the kernel to crash pretty soon on initial bootup.  The NetBookInstaller team has done all the heavy lifting in this area though.  This util only runs from a pre-existing OS X install and if you don't have access then your stuck.  Someone has been kind enough to provide an existing image of this boot partition though. Download the latest as instructed for Linux.

Install to your USB disk as follows:

dd bs=8192 if=NBI_083F.img of=/dev/sdx

Once done, unplug and replug the USB drive.  You should find 1 HFS+ partition on this that Fedora will mount.

Run gparted and create an additional partition on your USB.  Format as HFS+ (although its not real important since we will overwrite it).

Gparted will NOT use the correct partition ID and you MUST fix this for the new HFS+ partition. Use fdisk to do this tasks:

fdisk /dev/sdx

Be sure and re-plug in the USB drive after this step to make sure the new MBR is loaded.  Then unmount any auto-mounted partitions.

Find the HFS+ Volume Header in ISO installer image.

hexdump -C osx86dvd.iso | grep "48 2b 00 04"
00038400  48 2b 00 04 80 00 00 00  31 30 2e 30 00 00 00 00  |H+......10.0....|

HFS+ partitions start 0x400 (1024) bytes before the Volume Header.  So subtract 0x400 from offset shown by hexdump (0x38400 - 0x400 = 0x3800 in this case). 

Overwrite partition on USB drive.

Use dd to overwrite the empty HFS+ file sytem we created previously with HFS+ parition.  Use bc to compute how many blocks to skip.  block size of 8192=0x2000.  Replace /dev/sdx1 with your unique drive number.

echo "ibase=16; 38000 / 2000" | bc

dd ibs=8192 obs=8192 skip=28 if=osx86dvd.iso of=/dev/sdx2

Re-plug in the USB drive and verify you can see the second partition contains this copied of HFS+ partition.  If you have qemu installed, you can test you successfully created a bootable image using:

qemu -hda /dev/sdx -m 1024

Misc Notes

If you come across a DMG compressed file (.dmg extension), you can use 7-zip to pull out the HFS+ file system.  This can be copied to a a pre-created HFS+ partition using above instructions (don't forget to change partition type of 0xaf).

7z x diskimage.dmg 2.hfs
dd bs=8192 if=2.hfs of=/dev/sdx1

You can use 7z to view inside this HFS+ file system and even extra individual files:

7z l 2.hfs

Or you can mount it:

mount -t hfsplus 2.hfs /mnt -o loop

The solution was:
# mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda2 /mnt/usbdisk

In /etc/fstab I have:
/dev/sda2 /mnt/usbdisk hfsplus  rw,user,noauto 0 0

And to fix some ownership issues I did this:
# chgrp -R users /mnt/usbdisk

Posted by Ritz®™