애플사에서는 최근 구인광고를 내었는데, 커뮤니케이션 QA 엔지니어를 맥 하드웨어 팀에서 구하고 있다고 하는 군요.
이미 ASUS등 몇몇 업체가 노트북에 WIMAX를 탑재한 노트북은 년초에 출시하였었지만, 맥북도 이러한 추세를 반영하려고 하는 건지....
다음은 그 기사 전문입니다.
원문 : http://www.macworld.com/article/140427/2009/05/macbook_3g.html?lsrc=rss_news
Apple job posting hints at 3G-capable MacBook
For the last few years, 3G has been one of the most common buzzwords in the technology industry. The iPhone 3G has it right there in the name. Some PC laptops have the functionality built in. Mac notebooks, meanwhile, have had to rely on third-party add-ons. But still rumors have persisted about whether 3G will ever be available as a built-in function of Apple's laptop line?
Our sister publication Computerworld reports that Apple is now advertising a new "Communications QA Engineer" position in the Mac Hardware Group at the Cupertino campus.
The posting specifies the job's description as : "Testing and reporting hardware, software, and device driver bugs for Communications technologies including AirPort (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth v2.0, gigabit Ethernet, and/or 3G Wireless WAN in a detailed, timely manner [emphasis added]."
Could this mean that Apple's adding 3G to the MacBook line? Possibly, but it's still precious little to base any sort of assumption on. For all we know, this could be in reference to testing that encompasses third-party 3G modems to check for interference with the MacBooks' other built-in wireless systems. So don't get too excited just yet.