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해킨토시용 모니터 QHD/HDR10 | 델(Dell) S2718D 27인치 모니터

UHD 시대에 생뚱맞게 알루미늄 감성 그대로

사진,  영상편집 용으로

그냥 32인치 UHD로 갈걸 그랬나 하는 생각이

'Studio' 카테고리의 다른 글

4K 시대를 넘어 8K 시대로  (2) 2019.03.11
NHK, 세계 최초 8K채널 공식적으로 방송 시작  (0) 2018.12.03
트와이스  (0) 2018.11.12
Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2018.2.3.2496 macOS  (0) 2018.10.31
스튜디오  (7) 2018.07.27
Posted by Ritz®™


Alienware M11x, r2 에 OS X를 설치하는 방법은 나름 까다롭다. 다음 두가지 방식중 한가지를 선택하여 설치시도하여 본다.

iBoot + 10.6.3 Retail DVD :

Upgrade시 kext 설치 유의
Author & Version: ika (10.6.3 -> 10.6.4)
Related Web: http://www.hackint0sh.org/f181/123452-12.htm#post652891
Solution: For my R2 with corei5, i use this method:
1. iboot 2.5 Boot CD를 이용하여 부팅한다.
2. 10.6.3 retail DVD 이미지를 이용하여 설치한다. (VGA 와 Wifi 설정 안됨)
2.1. 10.6.4 업데이트 설치 마지막 과정에서 Fail 발생하여 10.6.4로 업데이트 불가능 >”<
3. Multi-Beast 2.3.0 을 설치한다.(Easy Beast 만 선택)
4. Easy Beast를 선택하여 설치하면, sound fail 발생, iAtkos s3 V2에서 추출한 voodooHDA 설치
5. keyboard는 Milti-Beast에 있는 VoodooPS2 를 이용하거나 iAtkos s3 v2에 있는 것을 사용한다. VoodooPS2 를 설치해주고나면 USB가 작동되지 않을 것이다. 이때, AppleHPET.kext 를 제거하여 준다.

* 쪼큼 불편하다.

iAtkos S3 v2 :

Upgrade시 폴더가 풀리는 현상
Author & Version: hahutzy
Related Web: http://www.hackint0sh.org/f181/188641.htm
Solution: 거의 대부분 사용가능 (wifi 제외 아직 DW1520 driver가 없다.)
미친맥의 ctn777 이 쓴 10.6.4 install guide 참조 : M11X R1 Snow Leopard 10.6.4 install guide. - InsanelyMac Forum
Without his guide, I dare say my guide would have never happened because this piece of writing came to be when I was following his guide but decided to document how I would use his resources to install iAtkos S3 V2 and upgrade to 10.6.5.
In fact, you need the following items from his guide (M11X R1 Snow Leopard 10.6.4 install guide. - InsanelyMac Forum):
Kexts: M11X Kexts.zip
Extras: Extra.zip
NetbookInstaller: NetbookInstaller 20100616212351.app.zip

Now, let us dive right in:

warning: i’m assuming you will be wiping your drive to start fresh
warning: you’ll need a mouse

1) set up the partitions, i use a windows 7 setup disk to do it
once it loaded: shift+F10 to bring up a cmd prompt, then:
list disk
select disk <number> (your hard drive, should be 0)
create partition primary size=whatever you want (create as many partition as you want. if you plan on only hackintoshing, you only need one)
create partition primary size=whatever you want
create partition primary size=whatever you want
list partition
extend (this enlarges the last partition you made to the remainder of the drive, so if you made 1 partition, extend gives you all the drive’s volume)
Now hard shut down and take out the windows 7 disk

2) boot up, F2, in BIOS, make sure USB emulation is enabled

3) boot iAtkos S3 V2, press F8 and enter “-v -x” to load verbose mode, and install iAtkos S3 V2 with following options:
bootloader - asereBLN
bootloader options - quiet boot
bootloader options - legacy logo
patches - /extra
patches - fakesmc
patches - disabler
patches - RTC - RTC
patches - EVO reboot
drivers - main hardware - ps/2 - voodoo ps/2
drivers - main hardware - NTFS-3g

4) on first boot (after 2 hard shutdowns for me, sometimes it does that), update to 10.6.5 right away withhttp://support.apple.com/downloads/D…ombo10.6.5.dmg

5) Reboot

6) run NetbookInstaller 20100616212351.app.zip on the boot drive
check Show NBI files
everything else unchecked

7) delete the 1201n dsdt from the extra directory

8) copy com.apple.boot.plist to desktop, open and:
Kernel Flags String: arch=i386 pmVersion=20
SMBIOSdefaults String: /Extra/smbios.plist
DSDT String: /Extra/dsdt.aml
Quiet Boot Key: Quiet Boot
Quiet Boot String: Yes
remove (if you want QE/CI):
device-properties key
device-properties string

9) copy dsdt.aml and smbios.plist from the unzipped Extra to your Extra folder

10) trim SLE (delete unneeded ATI kexts) so it’s under 256meg

11) in your Extra folder, run UpdateExtra

12) reboot, F2, and in bios, make sure graphics is set to Discrete (for QE/CI)

13) unzip M11x Kexts.zip and open the folder, then highlite all of the following files (ALT+click) and drag them all into Kext Utility:
voodooHDA.kext (sound)
voodooPowerMini.kext (speedstep)
AtherosL1cEthernet.kext (LAN)

14) reboot

15) go back to the M11x Kexts folder and click VoodooHDA prefPane to install that
then click DellBluetoothHCI.1.2.pkg (Bluetooth) and install via package.

16) fix bluetooth to be able to turn it off:
(based on Lenovo IdeaPad S Series Forum &bull; View topic - Enabling turn bluetooth On/Off in SL 10.6.4)
go to SLE, right click IOBluetoothFamily.kext to show package contents
go to Contents/Plugins/ and right click on BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext to show package contents
go to Contents/ and copy info.plist to desktop
open info.plist from desktop as text
search for Broadcom2046FamilyUSBBluetoothHCIController_37A
replace the following with the product id and vendor id of the bluetooth card:
and then save.
then drag it from desktop to replace the one you copied from contents folder

17) Now to fix trackpad, and add battery notification icon:
From the unzipped Extra/GeneralExtensions directory, copy ApplePS2Trackpad.kext and AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext
into the OS’s Extensions directory
then from the Extra folder, run UpdateExtra
Now from the unzipped M11x Kexts folder, run Kext Utility
After it finishes running, reboot. Upon reboot, bluetooth should have option to turn off, and trackpad should work, and the battery icon should show

18) Disable sleep:
Go to System Preferences > Energy Saver > Drag Computer sleep slider to never
Uncheck both Put harddisks to sleep when possible and Allow Power Button to put computer to sleep
(lock it if you want)

19) Enable secure login
Go to System Preferences > Security > and unlock to make changes > Check Disable Automatic Login > lock changes

* 이번에는 다행히 기사처럼 그룹도 풀리질 않았고 한번에 업그레이드를 하여 그루핑하는 노가다에서 해방되었다.

Posted by uno-ani