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2011. 8. 11. 01:09

XP, Vista, Windows 7 USB로 설치하기 Other OS/Windows2011. 8. 11. 01:09

차암내 이 글을 200만명이 봤네요.

그런데 200만명중 추천을 쿠욱 누런 사람은 몇명일까요?       T   T  

Update : http://cafe.naver.com/uefi/34

이 방법은 윈도우즈에서 실행하는 방법이고 포맷을 하지 않아도 좋다.  다음 방법도 참고 : http://osx86.tistory.com/715

물론, USB메모리 스틱 공간이 여유가 된다면 파티션을 나누어 진행해도 좋다.

참고로 AXXEN 사의 8G USB제품에서는 파티션을 나누어 진행하여도 부팅되는 것을 확인하였다. 

맥북에서는 윈도우즈 설치 USB로 인식을 하지만 아이맥에서는 인식을 안한다.

어쩔 수 없이  DVD를 구워야 했다.
만약 아래 그림들이 안보인다면 그림을 클릭하여 꼼꼼하게 확인한다.

준비물 : 윈도우즈 정품 설치 이미지. Utorrent를 우선 설치하면 좋다.



1. USB를 FAT32나 혹은 NTFS로 포맷이 되어 있어야 한다. 이미 포맷이 되어 있다면 2번 단계로 직행!  

- 기존의 데이타가 있는  USB라면 윈도우즈 설치 폴더와 혼동이 안되게 DATA 폴더를 하나 만들어 기존 자료는 모두 옮겨두는 것이 좋다.



2. Windows CD 이미지에 있는 화일을 아래 그림과 같이 USB로 넣어준다.(복사하여 준다.)
이때, 윈도우즈 순정판을 이용해야 한다. 무설치 버전들의 수정된 버전을 이용하면 설치중간에 문제가 발생한다.

  위 그림에서 용량이 4G밖에 안된다면 BOOT, SOURCES 폴더와 BOOTMGR 폴더만 복사하여 줍니다.

그리고 USB부팅가능하게 만드는 프로그램도 다운로드 받아 USB에 그림과 같이 복사하여 준다.
다운로드 :


Windows 7

3. 위 그림과 같이 USB설치.EXE 화일을 클릭하여 실행하여 준다.

4. 재부팅하여 USB로 부팅한다.  이때 메인보드에 따라 다르지만 부팅시에 MSI메인보드는 F11, ASUS는 F8, 기가바이트는 F12펑션키를 눌러주어 +HDD를 선택하면 USB를 볼 수 있고 USB를 선택하여 부팅한다. 

스크린샷 2011-10-23 3.12.03 PM
5. 컴퓨터복구메뉴는 하단에 있고 설치는 지금 설치를 클릭하면 된다.
스크린샷 2011-10-23 3.12.29 PM

6. 만약 컴퓨터 복구를 선택하였을때 다음그림과 같이 기존 윈도우즈7 파티션이 나와주면 좋겠지만 나오지 않더래도 쫄지말고 다음과정을 눌러 복구를 시도하여 준다. 윈도우즈를 새로이 설치하기 위해 지금 설치를 선택하였다면 7번 단계로 넘어간다.

스크린샷 2011-10-23 3.12.47 PM

7. 다음 그림은 컴퓨터 복구가 아닌 지금 설치를 선택하였때 나오는 그림이다.  그냥 설치를 진행하면 된다.  Vista라면 업그레이드(Upgrade)를 선택하여 Vista를 Windows 7으로 업그레이드 하여 준다.


8. 하드디스크가 보이면 새로이 파티션을 생성할려면 아래와 같이 New를 클릭하여 새로운 파티션을 생성하거나 포맷(Format)을 선택하여 기존 파티션을 포맷한다.  물론, 포맷하게 되면 기존 데이타는 다 날라가게 되므로 데이타 백업이 필요하다면 기존 윈도우즈로 부팅하여 데이타들을 외장형 하드디스크등에 백업을 하고 난 이후 포맷을 하여야 한다.



이제 윈도우즈를 설치하였다면 윈도우즈보다 조금 안정적인 Mac OS X 를 설치해 보기로 하자.

Mac OS X 를 설치하고 싶다면 다음글들을 참고하면 된다. : http://osx86.tistory.com/category/FAQ

만약 위의 글이 어렵다면 간단하게 Vmware 가상머신에 설치하는 것으로 시작하여 Native로 전환하면 된다. : http://osx86.tistory.com/1302

이 글이 도움이 되었다면 아래 추천 꾸욱 눌러 주세요.

Posted by uno-ani

Windows 7 on Mac with VMware Fusion: A Practical Guide


There’s been a lot of buzz flying around about Microsoft’s next big operating system, Windows 7, which just entered public beta.

As our readers know, a great way to start testing out a new operating system is in a virtual machine, where you can see how it works without having to dedicate a whole physical machine. 

Well guess what: this is certainly the case with Windows 7 and VMware Fusion, too.  So we wanted to take the time to share best practices on how to make this happen, with screenshots and video of the process to make it nice and easy for you.

Git yer free trial Windows!  Six months to see what you think of Windows on Mac!

Another cool thing about the Windows 7 Beta, is that it’s free to use for anyone.  That’s right.  Anyone can go and download the Windows 7 bits, and get a beta serial key that’s good through July 1st, 2009.

One of the costs associated with running Windows on the Mac is the cost of Windows.  And unlike VMware Fusion, which has a fully-functional 30-day trial for anyone to play with, Microsoft doesn’t typically provide trial access to operating systems in a way conducive to playing around in a VMware virtual machine—like an OS disk image, for example.

As such, a lot of Mac users who aren’t recent switchers, haven’t taken the opportunity to play around with the idea of Windows on the Mac, and as a result haven’t seen how fast, stable, and easy it can be.  Instead, you get people sitting back and saying “Windows on Mac? Ew!” because they haven’t really had the opportunity to learn any better.  They don’t know what they’re missing.  Well this is the chance to fix that.

It’s All About the Apps, Baby.

This kind of old-school thinking is a bit of a bummer, as there are tens of thousands of great Windows-only applications that Mac users can’t access without virtualized Windows apps, like Microsoft’s Photosynth on MacWorldwide Telescope on Mac, or Microsoft’s new Songsmith on the Mac, not to mention things like Google Chrome on Mac.  The list goes on and on, but you get the point.  It’s nice to have a balanced Dock!


Not just that, but Windows on the Mac nowadays isn’t your father’s Windows on Mac.  This isn’t Virtual PC for Mac, which emulated the Intel chip in software.  This isvirtualization, with direct CPU access, and all the speed that entails.  Also, this isn’t Mac virtualization of the sort you may have seen in early 2007.  The Macs are twice as fast, and the software’s much more mature.

So, we wanted to take the opportunity to show you that Windows 7, like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 98, and pretty much any other Intel-based OS (Linux too!) will run in a VM with VMware Fusion, and give some guidance on how to set things up for best success.

First, The Caveats

Windows 7 beta, both 32-bit and 64-bit, is not supported with VMware Fusion, but many VMware product features appear to work well today including Drag and Drop, Unity, and more.  Based on commentary in our VMware Fusion forums, the best experience with Windows 7 beta with Fusion results from the following VMware settings:

- Use the Windows Server 2008 option to create your VM 
- Disable 3D Acceleration 
- Disabled Shared Folders

We plan to support Windows 7 after it is released.

Next, What You Care About

Because VMware Fusion does not yet support Windows 7, there are some tweaks you’ll have to do.

First, go ahead and download the Windows 7 ISO from Microsoft’s Windows 7 Beta siteand get yourself a beta product key. You can use 32-bit or 64-bit, but we’ve heard that lots of folks are getting better performance out of 64-bit, so this example will assume that.  Just download the ISO to your desktop.

Then, you’ll go to create a new virtual machine, the same as you’ve done before via “File>New”:

Picture 1

Next, we’re going to point the New Virtual Machine Assistant at the Windows 7 ISO you just downloaded.  Typically, if you just insert a Windows install disk, VMware Fusion automagically recognizes what OS is in it, but in this case, we have to point it at the ISO.

Click “Continue without disk.”

Picture 2

Then, click “Use operating system installation disk image file”:

Picture 4

Just select the ISO in the dialog that pops up:

Picture 3

Next, based on what we’ve seen in our VMware Fusion forums, you have to do a little bit of tweaking. 

First, Windows Easy Install will parse the disk image as Windows Vista (either 32 or 64 bit, depending on which ISO you downloaded).  Go ahead and change that to Windows Server 2008 (again 32 or 64-bit, depending on which one you downloaded).  We’ve heard that it works fine defined as “Vista” too, but this appears to be the best way. 

Picture 5

Next, go ahead and take that serial key that was provided to you by Microsoft, and paste it into the Windows Product Key form in Windows Easy Install.

Also, untick “Make your home folder accessible to the virtual machine", as based on reports in our VMware Fusion forums, shared folders aren’t working in Windows 7. 

Picture 6


At this point, you should see your final configuration setup, with 1 GB of RAM assigned, and a virtual hard disk that will expand up to 40GB (but will start much smaller).  Click “Finish.” 

Picture 7

Once you hit “Finish,” Windows Easy Install will be off and running, installing Windows 7.  You’ll see some reboots, and VMware Tools will install automatically.

After that’s all finished, you should be able to play around with Windows 7 as you would expect, with the noted exceptions up top.  Again, this is not a supported configuration, and there will likely be bugs, as we repeat above from reports in our VMware Fusion forums.

Running Windowed - 13

And for those who like movies more, we threw together the one below to help you through the process.

Enjoy, and remember, for those of you who haven’t played around with Windows on your Mac yet because you didn’t quite see the light, this is your opportunity to join the ranks of the truly enlightened who realize that one OS per machine is so 20th century…

Download the free trial of VMware Fusion 2 or buy yourself a copy, and then get yourself the Windows 7 Beta.

Posted by Ritz®™