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First of all, thanks Master Chief,
Followings is his comment.
I have been working on a replacement for OpenHaltRestart.kext and I am proud to present it today, here on insanelymac.com

My kext is written from the ground up, and not based off of either OpenHaltRestart.kext nor EvoReboot.kext You won't
find a single line of code from either kext in my work – using a completely new and different approach to solve restart issues.

It is also the cleanest
restart solution ever. No nagging whatsoever. Not even a single line in your log files -
the only reference to me, being "
OSX Restart Solution v1.3 By Master Chief 2009" can be found in both Info.plist
and InfoPlist.strings

ioreg -l output
Some of you here might want to know this so here goes:

OSX_Restart_Handler  <class OSX_Restart_Handler, id 0x10000010c, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
    "IOClass" = "OSX_Restart_Handler"
    "IOMatchCategory" = "OSX_Restart_Handler"
    "IOProbeScore" = 18446744073709550616
    "IOProviderClass" = "IOPlatformExpertDevice"
    "CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.osx.restart"
    "IOResourceMatch" = "ACPI"

And for the rest of us… it's not that a big deal. Just forget about it.

Target audience
OSXRestart.kext is developed for OS X 10.6 and 10.6 only. For both 32 and 64 bit (single combo kext). And also (not specifically) for people where restart-after-sleep is broken; no more keyboard controller hacks – I am using the FACP table data instead.

Does it work?
The first version of OSXRestart.kext has been downloaded 121 times so far, and the latest release 25 times. Which looks like nothing right now, but I haven't officially introduced it yet. Not until today that is.

And the first confirmations from: Asus, Gigabyte and MSI users are starting to flow in. But more importantly, there hasn't been a single complaint about OSXRestart.kext not working. Which to me is far more important, especially since my code is still brand new and like I said earlier; I am doing things completely different (using FACP table data).

OSXRestart.kext is developed for one reason only... to fix restart issues. Not to fix shutdown!

Shutdown can be fixed with DSDT patching, and Asus user can look
here for help, and Gigabyte users here. Also, OSXRestart.kext is developed specifically for OS X 10.6 and thus there won't be one for Leopard. Sorry.

Source Code
The source code will be made available after a grace period. This gives me time to do some more work, before derivatives begin to show up.

Please let me know when OSXRestart.kext isn't working for you, but make sure to read
Limitations first!

What about OpenHaltRestart and EvOReboot?
I don't have anything to comment on it other than; when you are happy with either one of it, that is fine by me. But please give my work a try. Which is only fair. You can always go back to whatever you are using now, and what is working for you. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

OSXRestart.kext was first introduced
here and the first update here (22 November 2009).

I'm not here to make money, this is just a hobby after all, but people who like my work may donate some money to insanelymac.com

Go download OSXRestart.kext now, and spread the word of love.

And as always; Happy Hacking!


Attached File(s)
Attached File  OSXRestart.kext.zip ( 13.57K ) Number of downloads: 298

Posted by Ritz®™