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2009. 12. 2. 07:50

맥에서 하는 디스크 조각모음 macOS2009. 12. 2. 07:50

일단 맥은 윈도우즈와 비교하여 파일시스템 관리 구조(GPT+HFS 파티션 포맷) 자체가 다릅니다.

윈도우즈에서 사용하였었던 디스크 조각모음을 할 필요가 없습니다.

고정관념을 버리셔야 합니다.

- 6. Mac OSX 기본 사용법

그만큼 유닉스는 윈도우즈와 비교하여 상대적으로 아주 안정화된 시스템입니다.

하지만, torrent를 이용하여 다운로드를 많이 받으시는 분이나 간혹 굳이 디스크 조각모음을 하여야 겠다고 고집을 피우시는 분들을 위해 다음 그림과 같이 TechTool Pro라는 유틸리티를 소개합니다.

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 11. 27. 18:26

Boot Argument macOS2009. 11. 27. 18:26

First of all, thanks Superhai,

Followings is his posting.

  1. DTrace
    dtrace_dof_mode - Set DTrace DOF modes {0/1/2/3}
    DisableFBT - Disable FBT {1}
    IgnoreFBTBlacklist - Ignore blacklist of certain critical modules {1}
  2. BSD
    -b - Don't run /etc/rc.boot
    -l - Log leaks
    srv - Boot as server {1}
    ncl - Number of clusters
    nbuf - Number of buffers for bsd
    kmem - Kernel memory access {1}
    trace - Kernel trace buffer size
    msgbuf - Message Buffer
    rp - Root path
    mcache_flags - Memory cache flags
    mbuf_debug - MBuf Debug {1}
    initmcl - Init mbuf clusters
    socket_debug - Socket debug (net)
    net_affinity - Net Affinity (net)
    rte_debug - Route debug (net) {flags}
    -rwroot_hack - Mount root read/write
  3. IOKit
    mseg - Max segment
    dart - Remove mapper present
    io - IO Kit Debug
  4. Mach
    keepsyms - Do not unload KLD/Address-symbol translation {1}
    debug - Kernel debug {flags}
    nvram_paniclog - commit paniclog to NVRAM {1}
    pmsafe_debug - Put CPUs into "safe" power mode {1}
    preempt - Set default preemption rate
    unsafe - Max unsafe quanta
    poll - Max poll quanta
    yield - Schedule poll yield shift
    idlehalt - Halt idle thread to allow cpu into lowpower mode {1}
    panic_io_port - In a panic read from this I/O port {0x0 to 0xffff}
    _fpu - Limit boot-time cpu features {387/mmx/sse}
    diag - Diagnostic output
    serial - Serial diagnostic console
    maxmem - Maximum memory to use
    cpus -Numbers of cpus
    himemory_mode - Set memorymode for over 4GB {0 - All pages available/1- disable high mem/2 - prefer high mem}
    immediate_NMI - Force immediate NMI debugger {1}
    -legacy - Force legacy 32bit mode
    lcks - Lock statistics
    novmx - No altivec emulation in Rosetta {1}
    max_valid_dma_addr - Max valid DMA address
    maxbouncepool - Max bounce pool size
    maxloreserve - Max low reserve
    npvhash - Physical to virtual mapping hash
    wpkernel - Write protect kernel {1}
    -no_shared_cr3 - Disable shared kernel address space for 64 bit users
    -pmap_trace - Enable kernel traces for pmap
    _panicd_ip - IP of panic server
    _router_ip - IP of router
    panicd_port - Port of panic server
    -zc - Free zone element checking
    mtxspin - Mutex spin (ppc)
    vmmforce - VMM force (ppc)
    fn - Force nap (ppc) (acpi) {0/1/2}
    pmsx - Experimental power management stepper mode (ppc) {1}
    ctrc - Set tracing to specific cpu (ppc)
    tb - Non-default trace buffer size (ppc)
    wcte - Write combine timer enable (ppc)
    mcklog - Clear machine check flag (ppc)
    mcksoft - Machine check software recovery (ppc)
    ht_shift - Non-default hash table size (ppc) {1}
    zsize - Target zone size
    colors - Set VM colors
    fill - Fill pages
    serialbaud - Set serial baud rate
  5. Boot
    -v - Verbose Mode
    -x - Safe Mode
    -f - Old Safe Mode
    -F - Ignore Boot File
    -s - Single User Mode
    Graphics Mode - VESA Graphics Mode Dimensions
    Text Mode - VGA Text Mode Dimensions
    Boot Graphics - Graphics or Text Mode
    Quiet Boot - Quiet Bootmode
    MKext Cache - Mkext cache file
    Kernel Cache - Kernel Cache file
    rd - Root Device
    boot-uuid - Boot UUID
    platform - Platform Expert {ACPI}
    config - Load alternate config plist
  6. Other
    smbios - Verbose SMBIOS (AppleSMBIOS.kext) {1}
    acpi - Debug AppleACPIPlatform {1-8}
    acpi_level - ACPI Debug Level
    acpi_layer - ACPI Debug Layer
    acpi_sleep - ACPI Sleep
    nvdebug - NVDAResman debug
    nvrm - NVDAResman
    ndrv_debug_level - NDRV Debug Level (NVDAResman)
    pstep - Power Step Debug (ACPI_SMC)
    hpet - AppleHPET
There are more, which I will update it later. I will not add args which are not present in the current apple release (i.e. only vanilla). All reservations against errors and mistakes. If you find anyone please notify.


❶ "config=gfx"

- it load a config file with different gfx string, so it loads /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/gfx.plist instead of com.apple.Boot.plist

❷ rd=disk0s3 -s -x "Graphics Mode"="800x600x32" platform=X86PC

- it can combine the flags:

❸ "rd=boot-uuid, boot-uuid = XXXXX" or "boot-uuid - XXXXX"

- Define Hard Disk

❹ "busratio=20"

- yea, it used i7 cpu in 10.5.6. after upgrading to 10.5.7, it does not need.

❺ "acpi_level=2 acpi_layer=0x80"

- Not sure, it will work.

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 11. 25. 12:25

Apple updates Final Cut Server macOS/Update2009. 11. 25. 12:25

About Final Cut Server 1.5.1

Final Cut Server 1.5.1 is a revision to Final Cut Server 1.5. This update addresses general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, and addresses a number of other minor issues. This update is recommended for all users of Final Cut Server 1.5.
The issues addressed include:

  • Fixes possible slowdown in the check-in and check-out process
  • Fixes status display in Downloads & Uploads window
  • Locked assets are now skipped in the archive process
  • Fixes archiving and restore for bundle assets
  • Improves reliability of adding and removing archive devices

For more detailed information about the changes, see the Release Notes available from the application's Help menu.

'macOS > Update' 카테고리의 다른 글

Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update  (0) 2010.02.26
Apple to begin Testing Snow Leopard 10.6.3  (0) 2009.12.10
iPhoto Update(8.1.1)  (0) 2009.11.25
Microsoft Office 2008 12.2.3 Update  (0) 2009.11.11
Security Update 2009-006  (0) 2009.11.10
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 11. 25. 09:40

iPhoto Update(8.1.1) macOS/Update2009. 11. 25. 09:40

'macOS > Update' 카테고리의 다른 글

Apple to begin Testing Snow Leopard 10.6.3  (0) 2009.12.10
Apple updates Final Cut Server  (0) 2009.11.25
Microsoft Office 2008 12.2.3 Update  (0) 2009.11.11
Security Update 2009-006  (0) 2009.11.10
iMovie 8.0.4 Update  (0) 2009.07.17
Posted by Ritz®™
First of all, thanks Master Chief,
Followings is his comment.
I have been working on a replacement for OpenHaltRestart.kext and I am proud to present it today, here on insanelymac.com

My kext is written from the ground up, and not based off of either OpenHaltRestart.kext nor EvoReboot.kext You won't
find a single line of code from either kext in my work – using a completely new and different approach to solve restart issues.

It is also the cleanest
restart solution ever. No nagging whatsoever. Not even a single line in your log files -
the only reference to me, being "
OSX Restart Solution v1.3 By Master Chief 2009" can be found in both Info.plist
and InfoPlist.strings

ioreg -l output
Some of you here might want to know this so here goes:

OSX_Restart_Handler  <class OSX_Restart_Handler, id 0x10000010c, !registered, !matched, active, busy 0, retain 4>
    "IOClass" = "OSX_Restart_Handler"
    "IOMatchCategory" = "OSX_Restart_Handler"
    "IOProbeScore" = 18446744073709550616
    "IOProviderClass" = "IOPlatformExpertDevice"
    "CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.osx.restart"
    "IOResourceMatch" = "ACPI"

And for the rest of us… it's not that a big deal. Just forget about it.

Target audience
OSXRestart.kext is developed for OS X 10.6 and 10.6 only. For both 32 and 64 bit (single combo kext). And also (not specifically) for people where restart-after-sleep is broken; no more keyboard controller hacks – I am using the FACP table data instead.

Does it work?
The first version of OSXRestart.kext has been downloaded 121 times so far, and the latest release 25 times. Which looks like nothing right now, but I haven't officially introduced it yet. Not until today that is.

And the first confirmations from: Asus, Gigabyte and MSI users are starting to flow in. But more importantly, there hasn't been a single complaint about OSXRestart.kext not working. Which to me is far more important, especially since my code is still brand new and like I said earlier; I am doing things completely different (using FACP table data).

OSXRestart.kext is developed for one reason only... to fix restart issues. Not to fix shutdown!

Shutdown can be fixed with DSDT patching, and Asus user can look
here for help, and Gigabyte users here. Also, OSXRestart.kext is developed specifically for OS X 10.6 and thus there won't be one for Leopard. Sorry.

Source Code
The source code will be made available after a grace period. This gives me time to do some more work, before derivatives begin to show up.

Please let me know when OSXRestart.kext isn't working for you, but make sure to read
Limitations first!

What about OpenHaltRestart and EvOReboot?
I don't have anything to comment on it other than; when you are happy with either one of it, that is fine by me. But please give my work a try. Which is only fair. You can always go back to whatever you are using now, and what is working for you. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

OSXRestart.kext was first introduced
here and the first update here (22 November 2009).

I'm not here to make money, this is just a hobby after all, but people who like my work may donate some money to insanelymac.com

Go download OSXRestart.kext now, and spread the word of love.

And as always; Happy Hacking!


Attached File(s)
Attached File  OSXRestart.kext.zip ( 13.57K ) Number of downloads: 298

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 11. 19. 21:41

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review macOS2009. 11. 19. 21:41

By John Siracusa

Original Article : http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2009/08/mac-os-x-10-6.ars/5

Warning: internals ahead

We've arrived at the start of the customary "internals" section. Snow Leopard is all about internal changes, and this is reflected in the content of this review. If you're only interested in the user-visible changes, you canskip ahead, but you'll be missing out on the meat of this review and the heart of Apple's new OS.

64-bit: the road leads ever on

Mac OS X started its journey to 64-bit back in 2003 with the release of Panther, which included the bare minimum support for the then-new PowerPC G5 64-bit CPU. In 2005, Tiger brought with it the ability to create true 64-bit processes—as long as they didn't link with any of the GUI libraries. Finally, Leopard in 2007 included support for 64-bit GUI applications. But again, there was a caveat: 64-bit support extended to Cocoaapplications only. It was, effectively, the end of the road for Carbon.

Despite Leopard's seemingly impressive 64-bit bona fides, there are a few more steps before Mac OS X can reach complete 64-bit nirvana. The diagrams below illustrate.

64-bit in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger 64-bit in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard 64-bit in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

As we'll see, all that yellow in the Snow Leopard diagram represents its capability, not necessarily its default mode of operation.


Snow Leopard is the first version of Mac OS X to ship with a 64-bit kernel ("K64" in Apple's parlance), but it's not enabled by default on most systems. The reason for this this is simple. Recall that there's no "mixed mode" in Mac OS X. At runtime, a process is either 32-bit or 64-bit, and can only load other code—libraries, plug-ins, etc.—of the same kind.

An important class of plug-ins loaded by the kernel is device drivers. Were Snow Leopard to default to the 64-bit kernel, only 64-bit device drivers would load. And seeing as Snow Leopard is the first version of Mac OS X to include a 64-bit kernel, there'd be precious few of those on customers' systems on launch day.

And so, by default, Snow Leopard boots with a 64-bit kernel only on Xserves from 2008 or later. I guess the assumption is that all of the devices commonly attached to an Xserve will be supported by 64-bit drivers supplied by Apple in Snow Leopard itself.

Perhaps surprisingly, not all Macs with 64-bit processors are even able to boot into the 64-bit kernel. Though this may change in subsequent point releases of Snow Leopard, the table below lists all the Macs that are either capable of or default to booting K64. (To find the "Model name" of your Mac, select "About This Mac" from the Apple menu, then click the "More info…" button and read the "Model Identifier" line in the window that appears.)

Product Model name K64 status
Early 2008 Mac Pro MacPro3,1 Capable
Early 2008 Xserve Xserve2,1 Default
MacBook Pro 15"/17" MacBookPro4,1 Capable
iMac iMac8,1 Capable
UniBody MacBook Pro 15" MacBookPro5,1 Capable
UniBody MacBook Pro 17" MacBookPro5,2 Capable
Mac Pro MacPro4,1 Capable
iMac iMac9,1 Capable
Early 2009 Xserve Xserve3,1 Default

For all K64-capable Macs, boot while holding down "6" and "4" keys simultaneously to select the 64-bit kernel. For a more permanent solution, use the nvram command to add arch=x86_64 to your boot-args string, or edit the file /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist and addarch=x86_64 to the Kernel Flags string:

        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

To switch back to the 32-bit kernel, hold down the "3" and "2" keys during boot, or use one of the techniques above, replacing "x86_64" with "i386".

'macOS' 카테고리의 다른 글

맥에서 하는 디스크 조각모음  (0) 2009.12.02
Boot Argument  (0) 2009.11.27
해킨토시 하드디스크 구성 가이드  (0) 2009.10.27
VoiceOver Utility  (0) 2009.10.24
Mac OS X 10.6.2 build 10C531  (0) 2009.10.23
Posted by Ritz®™

Upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard, 10A432?

It can be upgraded from 10.5.7 to 10A432.

Try to install Existing Leopard Hard Disk. It just upgrade from 10.5.7 to 10.6.0

Then update 10.6.1 by software Update.

But, you have to replace Sleepenabler.kext from Netkas' site when you update to 10.6.2.

It sometimes did not working GFX-String in 10.6.2, especially nVidia 7xxx series, 8xxx series.

if you have black screen after booting followed by lord_webi's guide.

delete following prefs/plists if existing in directory (boot with -x):


same to *loginWindow* prefs/plists ... in all that directories if existing ...

restart and your EFI string will work again ...

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 11. 11. 08:16

Microsoft Office 2008 12.2.3 Update macOS/Update2009. 11. 11. 08:16

'macOS > Update' 카테고리의 다른 글

Apple updates Final Cut Server  (0) 2009.11.25
iPhoto Update(8.1.1)  (0) 2009.11.25
Security Update 2009-006  (0) 2009.11.10
iMovie 8.0.4 Update  (0) 2009.07.17
Safari 4.0.2 update  (0) 2009.07.10
Posted by Ritz®™