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2009. 10. 25. 03:58

10.5.7 on an Asus P5QL/EPU Hackintosh/Mainboard2009. 10. 25. 03:58

전체적인 설치가이드 : http://x86osx.textcube.com/notice/481

I. CMOS Setup

default 에서 수정부분:
- Storage Configuration - configure SATA as - AHCI
- Advanced CPU settings - CPU ratio auto (for install, E7400 running fine @+20% now though)
- Next 4 settings Enabled
- Speedstep - Disabled
- C-State - Disabled
- Onboard devices - High Def Audio & Onboard LAN Enabled, 나머지는 "disabled"

- USB Enabled, Enabled, High Speed, Auto
- Power - Suspend Auto
- ACPI 2.0 - Enabled
- ACPI APIC - Enabled
- APM Config - Power off & all disabled

II. 준비사항

iPC 10.5.6 installation Image
IDeneb 10.5.7 update Image
VoodooHDA kext
  1. Boot from the disk. flags of cpus=1 is required, -v -f may be optional
  2. 사용자화:
    1. ipc OSx86 Base System (selected by default)
    2. (OPTIONAL) 언어선택
    3. Video Drivers - 자신의 그래픽 카드 드라이버
    4. Chipset Drivers - Intel ICH10 SATA Support
    5. Ethernet Drivers - Realtek R1000
    6. USB Drivers - Patched USB Drivers
    7. Fixes and Patches
      1. ACPI Fix
      2. (OPTIONAL) CPUS=1 One Core Fix - DSDT.aml로 적용하기전 까지 사용해야 함. 가능한한 선택하지 말고 부팅시에 부팅옵션을 "cpus=1"로 주어 부팅한 후 DSDT.aml로 패치적용하는 것이 좋음.
      3. FireWire Mount Fix
      4. IOUSBMassStorage Fix
      5. Sata Drive Icon Fix
      6. IOPCIFamily.kext patched
      7. Shutdown/Restart fix
      8. AppleSMBIOS Patch - AppleSMBIOSEFI
    8. Alternative Bootloaders - Chameleon with DSDT/Custom Boot Picture
    9. applications 들은 가능한한 다 설치해주는 것이 피가되고 살이 되지만, 특히 DSDT Patcher GUI 와 Kext Helper 만큼은 반드시 선택해야 함.
  3. Install
  4. 재부팅시 "cpus=1"로 주어 부팅한 후, DSDT patcher 를 실행하고, "Force Compile"을 선택하여 주고, target disk 지정, error는 무시한다.
  5. DSDT Patcher GUI 에 Bootloader.pkg를 더블클릭하여 설치한다. 이것 대신에 Boot Think를 설치하여 주는 것이 좋다.
  6. /S/L/E/AppleHDA.kext 의 파일명을 appleHDA.kext.orig 으로 바꾼다.
  7. "Kext Helper"를 이용하여 VoodooHDA kext 를 설치한다..
  8. iDeneb update disk를 마운트하여 updater를 실행한다.
  9. 이제 재부팅하여 "cpus=1" 없이 부팅한다. 두개의 코어를 볼 수 있다.
  1. SATA DVD 와 SATA HDD 를 사용하였다. SATA/IDE 조합이나 혹은 단순히 IDE 장비를 사용하여 보지는 않았다. 단지, CMOS SETUP에서 IDE controller 를 "DISABLED" 로 세팅하였다.
  2. AHCI enabled 로 해주었다.

'Hackintosh > Mainboard' 카테고리의 다른 글

Intel D945G Series  (0) 2009.11.07
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 (core i7) USB v3.0  (0) 2009.11.04
MSI P43 Neo3-F  (0) 2009.10.22
GA-EP45-UD3L  (0) 2009.10.21
Asus P5P43TD Pro  (0) 2009.10.21
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 10. 24. 18:57

Permissions & KEXT Caches Hackintosh/Tip2009. 10. 24. 18:57

Mac OS X를 사용하면서 가장 문제점이 될 수 있는 것이 잘못된 권한이나 부적절한 kext cache 를 생성하는 것입니다.

항상 필요한 것은 아니지만, extensions을 수정/추가하거나 새로운 kexts가 추가되는 새로운 소프트웨어를 설치하였을때, 디스크유틸리티에서 권한복구를 하여주거나 kext caches를 새로이 만들어주는 것이 필요합니다.

물론, x86osx : Leopard driver 설치 방법 에서와 같이 kext helper를 이용하는 것이 편리한 방법이긴 하지만, 여기에서는 터미널을 이용하는 방법으로 다음과 같은 명령어를 주어 매뉴얼로 수행할 수도 있습니다.:

$ sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions

$ sudo find /System/Library/Extensions -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

$ sudo find /System/Library/Extensions -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

$ sudo kextcache -v 1 -a i386 -a x86_64 -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext /System/Library/Extensions

다음은 "Extra"폴더를 권한복구하여 준다.:

$ sudo chown -R 0:0 /Extra

$ sudo find /Extra -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

$ sudo find /Extra -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

$ sudo kextcache -v 1 -a i386 -a x86_64 -m /Extra/Extensions.mkext /Extra/CustomExtensions

이제 시스템을 재부팅하면 된다.

만약, 다른 하드디스크나 파티션의 권한복구해 줘야 할 필요성이 있을때는 그 경로를 유념하여 사용하면 된다.

NOTE: /S/L/E 권한은 755 이고 그 안의 파일들은 644 임에 유념해야 한다.

IMPORTANT: Place any extensions that you would normally put in Extra/Extensions into Extra/CustomExtensions. This solves several bugs people have been experiencing while using Extra/Extensions in Snow Leopard with the Chameleon RC1 & PC EFI 10.1 bootloader. If you currently have extensions in Extra/Extensions simply move them to Extra/CustomExtensions before running the above commands or using the script below.

If you’ve tried using the manual method listed above to fix permissions but you are still having problems – or you just want to speed things up – I have written the following script which automates the process.

스크립터 다운로드: pfix v1.2

더블클릭하여 이 스크립터를 수행하거나 다음과 같은 커맨드를 이용하여 이 스크립터를 수행할 수 있다.

“sudo /path/to/pfix”

만약 “command not found” 혹은 “Permission denied” 라는 에러메시지가 나오면 다음과 같은 커맨드를 이용하여 스크립터 권한을 수정하여 주어야 한다.

“sudo chmod 755 /path/to/pfix”

Note: Place extensions that would normally run in Extra/Extensions into Extra/CustomExtensions for this script to work. (this solves some bugs people have been having with using Extra/Extensions in Snow Leopard).

IMPORTANT: This script is intended to be used for correcting permissions and building kext caches on Snow Leopard ONLY! Do not use this script to repair permissions on Leopard or Tiger! Also do not use on a real MAC [it is for hackintosh only].

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 10. 23. 19:37

myHack Installer 3.1 Hackintosh/해킨패키지2009. 10. 23. 19:37

Update : 해킨토시 설치 요약 정..

Update (2012-Jun-11)

설치전 준비: http://osx86.tistory.com/1302



아래 그림과 같이 Lion(10.7)/Mountain Lion(10.8) DMG 설치 이미지를 이용하여 간단하게 Lion(10.7)/Mountain Lion(10.8) 설치용 USB 로 만들 수 있다.

제대로 안보인다면 클릭하여 그림을 클릭하여 꼼꼼하게 확인한다. 


- Create OS X Installer    : Lion(10.7)/Mountain Lion Retail(10.8) DMG 이미지를 USB에 설치가능하게 이미지 카피를 해 준다.

- Install Extra                 : 일반 PC에 설치가능하게 /Extra 폴더를 구성해 준다.

- Install Chameleon        : Chameleon 부트로더를 설치해 준다. 

들어가며: By Conti,

myHack 설치 패키지는 retail OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard”를 PC에 설치하기 위해 만들어 졌다.

설치과정을 아주 많이 간단하게 하여 시간을 줄일 수 있도록 설계되었지만 OS X 10.6 을 PC에 설치하는 데 원클릭 한방 솔루션은 아니다.

이 가이드는 snow leopard가 PC에 동작하는 방법을 설명하기 위한 것이 아니라 snow Leopard를 빨리 그리고 쉽게 myHack 설치 패키지를 이용하여 설치를 단순화 하는 방법을 설명한다. 해킨토쉬 개념을 포함하고 있지만 kexts, permissions, efi, gfx strings, dsdt, etc 등의 단순화를 제약하지는 않는다.

Basic Requirements:

- OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” Retail DVD/DMG

- myHack Installer 1.0 RC4

- “vanilla” OS X kernel이 동작되고 있는 맥 시스템

- 다음과 같은 하드웨어(제약 사항은 아님)

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Core i7

  • Chipset: Intel (G33, P35, X58, etc) w/ ICHx South-bridge.
  • At least 1GB of memory. (2GB 이상)
  • USB 키보드 와 마우스.
  • 가능한 Nvidia 8xxx, 9xxx or 2xx 시리즈 그래픽 카드.
  • 10GB 이상의 여유공간이 있는 하드디스크. (20GB 이상 추천).
  • USB 외장형 하드디스크 혹은 8G 이상의 USB 메모리 스틱.
  • 또한, OSX 10.4 이상의 리얼맥이나 해킨토쉬(USB 설치 디바이스를 준비하기 위해 필요.)

Note: myHack 설치 패키지 1.0 rc4는 AMD&Intel i5 프로세서를 위해 “chocolate” kernel을 옵션을 포함하고 있다.

하지만, 많은 위에 언급되지 않은 시스템들은 검증이 불충분하지 않으므로 직접 리스크를 안고 테스트를 해보시는 수밖에 없다. 이를테면, ATI 그래픽 카드 같은 경우도 마찬가지이다.

Section 1 : 기본 설치 가이드

단계 1 – USB Drive 준비

- 디스크 유틸리티에서 MBR 혹은 GUID 파티션을 만들어 포맷을 한다. (개인적으로는 legacy 시스템을 위해 MBR를 더 선호한다. )

- Retail OS X Install DVD 나 이미지를 USB 메모리스틱 혹은 USB외장형 하드디스크에 복원한다.

- myHack installer를 USB 메모리스틱 혹은 USB 외장형 하드디스크에 설치한다.

- 여기에서 필요한 kexts, gfx strings, injectors, dsdt 등등을 USB 드라이버에 추가한다. 만약, kext를 추가하였거나 수정하였다면 당근 권한을 복구하고 Extensinons.mkext 재생성해야 한다.

이제 설치를 테스트할 준비가 되었다.

알려진 이슈:

1) 극단적으로 중요: 재삼 확언하건데 컴퓨터의 내장 하드디스크의 root 파티션에서 installer 를 돌리는 것이 아니라 USB 드라이버에 설치하는 것이다.

I can not possibly stress how important it is that you ensure you are installing to the USB drive and NOT the root partition of the computer you have run the installer on. The root partition is selected by default. 만약 Chameleon Bootloader를 REAL Apple 컴퓨터에 설치한다면 이는 시스템을 망가뜨리는 결과를 가져오게 될 것이다.

2) com.apple.Boot.plist파일에 gfx 스트링이 없거나 그래픽 카드 enabler/injector 없이는 framebuffer 로딩시에 커널패닉을 경험하게 될 것이다. 이 문제를 방지하기 위해 FramebufferDisabler.kext를 만들어서 넣어두기는 하였지만, 만약 그것을 선택하지 않는다면 역시나 커널패닉을 경험하게 될 수 있음을 기억하여 주기 바란다.

3) 몇몇 그래픽 카드는 VESA 모드에서 정상동작하지 않는다. 커널패닉 대신 간단하게 블랭크 스크린을 보게 될 것이다.

만약 이런일이 일어난다면 적합한 gfx string 을 /Extra/com.apple.Boot.plist 화일에 넣어주거나 그래픽카드에 적합한 enabler/injector를 사용하여야 한다. myHack Installer 1.0 RC3는 customize 옵션에 GraphicsEnabler 옵션을 추가하였다. 이 옵션은 GraphicsEnabler = Y string을 가지고 있는 기존 com.apple.Boot.plist화일을 덮어 쓸 것이다. 이것은 몇몇 ATI 그래픽 카드와 대부분의 Nvidia 그래픽 카드의 그래픽 가속을 가능하게 할 것이다.

주의: 만약 그래픽 enabler 옵션이 적절하게 동작하지 않는다면 카멜레온 부트프람프트에서 -pci0 를 입력해 보기를 권고한다.

단계 2 – BIOS Setup

아래 그림과 같이 AHCI로 설정한다.  또한, HPET를 64 bit로 설정하는 것이 적절하다.

단계 3 – Installation

모든 것이 시스템에 맞게 적절하게 구성되어졌다면 USB 디바이스를 이용하여 부팅이 될 것이고 OS X installer 모드가 환영할 것이다.

일반적인 설치과정을 진행한다.

주의: 만약 USB드라이브 이외의 설치할 하드디스크를 선택할 수 없거나 하드디스크가 보이지 않는 다면 BIOS SETUP에서 SATA 디바이스가 AHCI모드로 설정되어 있는지 확인한다. 만약, CMOS설정에 AHCI설정이 없다면 대신에 일반적인 IDE방식의 하드디스크나 ICHx 칩셋이 픽스된 AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext & IOATAFamily.kext를 설치하여 재시도하여 본다.

설치가 끝난 후 재부팅한다.

주의: 만약, 설치가 거의 끝날 무렵 nstallation failed라는 에러메시지가 보일지라도 무시한다. 이 에러메시지는 Installer가 타겟 파티션을 “bless”하지 못해서 일어나고 시스템이 부팅가능하지 못할때 발생한다.

단계 4 – 첫 부팅

재부팅시에 USB디바이스의 chameleon bootloader 와 kexts를 로딩하는 USB디바로 부팅하면 OSX installer를 실행할 것이다. 새로이 설치된 Snow Leopard system을 로딩할려면 boot prompt에서 Snow Leopard가 새로이 설치된 하드디스크를 선택해야 한다.

계속 실행하면 초기 구성을 실행하게 될 것이다. 만약 기존의 설치된 Leopard가 있다면 유틸리티의 migration assistant를 이용하여 마이그레이션 할 수도 있지만, 여전히 많은 응용프로그램이 Snow Leopard와의 호환에 문제점이 있으므로 충분히 고려하여 결정하면 된다.

단계 5 – Post Install

데스크탑에서 finder가 실행된 후, USB 디바이스를 열면 "단계 1"에서 설치했었던 myHack installer v1.0 RC4 가 USB의 최상단(/ )폴더에 있을 것이다. 이제 USB에 있는 myHack installer를 실행하게 되면 이번에는 snow leopard 하드디스크 partition에 설치할 것이다. 반드시 단계1에서 설치할 때 선택했었던 옵션과 동일하게 옵션을 선택해야 한다. kexts, gfx strings, injectors, dsdt, 등등이 snow leopard 하드디스크 partition에 제대로 설치되었는지 확인한다.

Note: 다시 한번 만약 kexts를 수정하거나 추가하였다면 권한 수정을 해주어야 하고 Extensinons.mkext 를 반드시 재생성해야 한다.

이제, USB디바이스 없이 재부팅할 준비가 되었다. USB디바이스를 추출하고 시스템을 재부팅하여 Snow Leopard가 설치된 하드디스크로 부팅한다.

Congratulations! 제대로 부팅이 되었다면 Snow Leopard 가 설치된 시스템을 운영할 수 있다.

Section 2: Advanced Installation Instructions

This section will eventually focus on dsdt generation & patching, gfx strings, injectors, audio, additional kexts, general troubleshooting, etc…

For now look elsewhere.

Section 3: Credits

I’d like to personally thank the following people for making this all possible and for all the help they have personally given to myself and others:

(in alphabetical order)

apocolipse, aschar, chrome, Conti, fassl, Galaxy, Kabyl, lastExile, modbin, Mushishi, nawcom, netkas, p|astikman, prasys, stellarola, XyZ

Additionally thanks go out to the Voodoo Team, everyone who has worked on the Chameleon bootloader, and everyone else who has contributed to the hackint0sh scene!

Section 4: Changelog

2009/10/17 - Revision 3 – Guide updated to include relevant myHack Installer RC4 information. Edited basic requirements, added graphics card recommendations and some information about non-vanilla installs. Expanded and improved Basic Installation Instructions.

2009/09/28 – Revision 2 – Guide updated to include relevant myHack Installer RC3 information. Corrected some typos. Restructured and expanded Basic Installation Instructions. Some place holders added for planned additions.

2009/09/22 – Revision 1 – Initial Post

'Hackintosh > 해킨패키지' 카테고리의 다른 글

UniBeast: Mac OS X Lion 이상 부팅가능한 USB 드라이버 만드는 방법  (3) 2013.03.17
Multibeast  (0) 2011.03.07
KakeWalk  (0) 2010.08.20
myHack Installer 1.0 RC4 Released  (0) 2009.10.23
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 10. 21. 22:57

GA-EP45-UD3L Hackintosh/Mainboard2009. 10. 21. 22:57

GA-EP45-UD3L Snow Leopard Install Guide v1.0 for Newbies


I had been in Hackintosh field for last six eight months or so. Tried several distros and learnt a lot in this field. When I first used the Mac OSX I loved this system and plan to buy an original Mac very soon, as a result of my personal experience. I recommend all other Hackintosh users to OSXand if they love it, go and buy an original one. I don’t claim any credit for the procedures specified in this guide, all credit goes to relevant authors (whose links are given) and I am thankful to all of them for any guidance and help they provided. My aim for writing this guide is to compile all procedures / things / useful links for Snow Leopard in one place for easy reference.


Motherboard Gigabyte EP45-UD3L with onboard Gigabit Ethernet RTL8111 and Azalia ALC888
Intel E8200 Core 2 Duo Processor 3.0 Ghz
Graphics Zotac Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 512MB
RAM 4GB (1066)
Hard Drive SATA 1TB with GUID partition
DVD: SATA based
Keyboard & Mouse both are USB based (try avoiding PS2 keyboard & mouse, as Mac don’t like it)


Although it is not necessary to have a running OSX 10.5.x, but if you have it is good to use it to get some key information about your system before attempting the Snow installation. e.g. Use IORegisteryExplorer to find information about your Ethernet, Sound and Graphic Card, and generate a fully working DSDT.aml (even before installing the SL) for used in SL for flawless operation. But you can try this direct approach using this guide.


Gigabyte has just released the latest version of BIOS for this motherboard. So, I would recommend download and install the latest version F7 before you proceed. This is also necessary to note down BIOS settings because of following reasons

  1. when you attempt to install Snow Leopard, on every reboot it will reset the BIOS and you had to change all these settings manually (unless you apply CMOS fix, which I will describe later on).
  2. by changing the BIOS settings, we are trying to make it more comparable with Mac Hardware. e.g. Snow Leopard only accepts SATA AHCI settings, so in BIOS we change RAID/SATA settings to AHCI and in some cases even disable onboard IDE Controller to go even more close to real Mac system. Another good example would be USB based Keyboard and Mouse (which Mac uses so we change BIOS and use USB based mouse not PS/2 based.
  3. the AHCI handling is much faster in F7 bios as compared to F4.

Following are the settings in this BIOS:
MB Intelligent Tweaker:
CPU Clock Ratio=9x (rest of the things as per default, CMOS reset makes it 8x)

Standard CMOS Features:
Drive A= None (CMOS reset enables it)
Floppy 3 Mode Support= Disable (rest of the things as per default, CMOS might enable it)

Advance BIOS Tab”
First Boot Device=CD ROM (CMOS reset makes it Floppy)
Second Boot Device=Hard Disk
Limit CPU to 3=Disable
No Execute Memory=Enable
CPU Thermal Monitor=Enable
CPU EIST Function=Enable
Delay for HDD=0
Full Screen Logo=Disable (CMOS reset makes it Enable)
Backup BIOS Image to HDD=Disable
Init Display First=PEG

Integrated Peripherals Tab:
SATA RAID / AHCI Mode=AHCI (CMOS reset makes it Disable)
SATA Port0-3 Native Mode=Disabled
Azalia Codec=Auto
Onboard LAN=Enable
USB Controller=Enable
USB 2.0 Controller=Enable
USB Keyboard Support=Enable
USB Mouse Support=Enable (because I use wireless USB Keyboard & Mouse, CMOS reset makes it Disable)
USB Legacy Storage Detect=Enable
Onboard IDE Controller=Enable (if your system keeps rebooting upon reading the Boot CD, change it to Disable)
Onboard Serial Port=Disable (CMOS reset changes it to default)
Onboard Parallel Port=Disable (CMOS reset changes it to default)

Power Management Tab:
ACPI Suspend Type=S3
PME Event Wake up=Disable (CMOS reset makes it Enable)
Power on by Ring=Disable (CMOS reset makes it Enable)
Power on by Alarm=Disable
HPET Support=Enable
HPET Mode=64bit (CMOS reset makes it 32bit. If you want to run SL on x64, change it to 64bit)
Power on by Keyboard=Disable
Power on by Mouse=Disable

PnP/PCI Tab:
Both PCI1 and PCI2 IRQ Assignment=Auto


(Thanks to 3rr0rists for providing the method)
  1. Snow Leopard Retail DVD. I suggest to buy it as $29 is not too much.
  2. Snow Leopard Boot CD Download Here
  3. Snow Leopard Kext Download Here
  4. Bootloader (Chameleon V2.0 " RC3 r658) for snow leopard Download Here
  5. OSX86 Toosl for EFI strings of graphics, audio, ethernet etc. Download Here.
  6. DSDT patcher for generating DSDT.aml Download Here
  7. iaslME for decompiling and recompiling DSDT.aml Download Here


  • Insert Snow leopard Boot CD to your DVD Drive and boot from it.

If you are unable to boot from DVD or get the BIOS read error when booting, switch your PC Off for atleast 10 seconds, switch it on, press Del key and go into BIOS make sure that settings are as suggested (AHCI mode is enabled and if you again unable to boot, just disable Onboard IDE controller).
If you don’t want to waste your blank CD on this, you can use a jump drive to start with. To use this method you must have a working OSX 10.5.x and then you need to do as advised by 3rr0rists in reply to my question. Thanks 3rr0rists once again for the simple and short guide.

for USB device, format USB with partition map MBR and format with HFS+, install Snow Bootloader to USB and copy all kext to folder “Extra” in USB” boot with USB device connected and select your USB device. and follow the guide...

  • When chameleon logo appear, eject your snow leopard Boot CD then insert your DVD DL Snow Leopard Retail and press F5.
  • Select your Snow Leopard DVD (Macintosh Install DVD) and type “arch=i386″ (without quote) to get 32 Bit, if you want get 64Bit SL just press enter.
  • Installation like usual, first create partition for Snow Leopard and must in GUID Partition and install, just uncheck language Translation and Printer Driver to take some space HDD
  • And Install, after finished installation. reboot, and eject your Snow Leopard Retail DVD and replace with Snow Leopard Boot CD again and then boot from cd.

When you boot, you will have to Press Del key and go into BIOS, as Snow Leopards has rest your CMOS/BIOS. So go to your BIOS. Again make changes as suggested above. Save changes and exit from BIOS. Here I suggest Power Off your PC for a while. Then Switch it on. Now place the Snow Leopard Boot CD to boot.
*If you have ATI series Graphic Card like as Radeon HD4850 512MB, 
you need boot using "-v -s", then follow procedure,
#mount   -uw  /
#mkdir /Bak_ATI
#mv  /System/Library/Extensions/ATI*.kext /Bak_ATI/
Now place the Snow Leopard Boot CD to boot.

  • Boot With Snow Leopard CD Boot, when chameleon logo appear, select your Snow leopard partition and type : “arch=i386″ (without quote if you want to boot in 32bit mode, if you don’t enter anything, it will go automatically into 64bit mode. Also remember the BIOS setting if you have set it to 32/64bit) and following on screen.
  • Install Snow Leopard Boot Loader
  • Click on Go -> Computer -> Snow (name of the disk) -> Extra and copy all Snow Leopard Kexts and Extensions folder from download location to this Extra folder.
* If you have ATI Graphic Card, follow this Procedure

Open the Terminal
#cp -Rf  /Bak_ATI/ATI*.kext  /System/Library/Extensions/
Now you need configure your ATI Gaphic card.

Quickly check if all important hardware is working in SL e.g. Check internet for Ethernet working, open iTunes and play something to check your sound, open dashboard and add a gadget to it. If you get water waves effect, it means that QE / CI / GL of your graphics card is enable, otherwise you need to work on it too. I got Ethernet working out of box. But graphics (Zotac Geforce 8800GT) was not giving me QE/CI/GL support. So I usedOSX86 Tools for this for injecting EFI string to boot process (this way there is no need to use and load the kext and booting time significantly improves).

  • Inject EFI strings for devices (graphics, Ethernet and sound (if available)

Although Mac Gurus don’t like so called EFI Injectors, but if you are new to SL and don’t wana go the detailes of DSDT.aml then check if you could get your graphics, ethernet and audio working through EFI injection using OSX86 Tools. This is the easiest way to get most of the things working (although my sound card ALC888 did not work through this method, so I had to do DSDT method, still doing research to enable sound in this motherboard). Well I agree with Mac Gurus upto some extent in this regard, but my idea is first to run SL without any problem and then do the improvements like creating and editing DSDT.aml for various devices etc.

  • Run OSX86 Tools. Click on “Add EFI String/Boot Flag” button. First click on graphics card, from the drop down menu, choose your graphics card, it will give you hexadecimal EFI string in the bottom section. Then click on 2nd icon on top row “Import String to Boot Editor” After that you will have to click on button at the bottom “Apply changes to com.apple.Boot.plist”. Similarly do it for your Audio and Ethernet Strings. A quick tip here, you will not be able to see the effect unless you reboot. So when you next time boot, again check the QE/CI/GL for your graphics (by adding a gadget in dashboard, if you don’t see a clear water waves effect, again run OSX86 Tools, and click on “Enable/Disable Quarts GL” button of upper left side. Enable it. Again reboot and you will get the QE/CI/GL enabled for Nvidia GF8800GT card.

DSDT METHOD OF ENABLING DEVICES (If you don’t like EFI Injection method):

Generate DSDT.aml by following method

  • Open the DSDT Patcher folder, and double click the DSDT Patcher icon. When it say press any key to continue, just enter. Then it will ask you “Which OS to emulate? [0=Darwin, 1=WinXP, 2=WinVista]. Press 0 and enter for Darwin based OS. 99% this gives you a DSDT.dsl file in the same folder of DSDT Patcher. This is a text editor file and we can change it in a text editor (if we need to do it). This patcher already applied the Snow Leopard’s CMOS reset fix for you. So you don’t have to worry about. Pay attention to the text appearing in this program window when it says “Process Completed”. If you get any error or warnings, then contact your best friend (google.com) for the help to remove these errors. If you get 0 error and 0 warnings, its ok to proceed.
  • In 2nd step we will edit it if we need to. If you want to edit DSDT.dsl file to have the codes for Ethernet and sound etc. You need to follow this guide.
  • Suppose you get no errors and no warnings and you don’t want to edit .dsl file. Next step is to compile this DSDT.dsl file to get a DSDT.aml file. Open the folder which contains the iaslME application. Open the DSDT Patcher folder also which should be having your dsdt.dsl file. Now drag and drop dsdt.dsl file over the iaslMe application icon. It will automatically generate a dsdt.aml file for you and will store it in the “Sessions” folder. Go to DSDT Patcher folder, then Open Session folder, then a folder which will be having most recent date and time as name of the folder. You will find two files; one will be dsdt.aml and other will be log.
  • Now you right click on dsdt.aml and choose Get info -> Name and Extension. Change the name of the file from dsdt.aml to DSDT.aml. (as this file name is case sensitive). Now copy this file and past it in the Extra folder. It might ask you to authenticate it with administrative password.
  • Final Step: Remove the Snow Installation DVD and reboot the system. Again press Del key go to BIOS and load the recommended settings for the last time (as you have already put DSDT.aml file in Extra folder which is having CMOS reset fix) and then save and exit from BIOS. Switch off your computer. Switch it on and you will get the Snow Leopard fully working (hopefully).

If by using DSDT.aml method still you are unable to use some of your devices, then you need to convert DSDT.aml into DSDT.dsl using iaslMe (just drop the DSDT.aml over the application icon) and edit the DSDT.dsl using text editor. For details I would recommend searching google for your problem, as I am also new in this particular technique and will not be able to help you much. Suggested links are in my reference section.


Automatic USB Device Removal:
I discovered this issue in SL. My USB based attached hard drive is automatically ejected and a message appears “Disk was not ejected properly. If possible always eject a disk before unplugging it or turning it off”.
I did a research for the solution. Found a solution on Apple’s Official forum. Solution is simple: Go to System Preference->Energy Saver and there you will see a check box saying “Put the Hard Drive to Sleep when possible”. Simply uncheck that box.

Audio in this motherboard (ALC888):
I tried everything but could not get the sound working for ALC888 chipset even by using tmongkol guide by using DSDT editing and LegacyHDA.kext for ALC888.
So I looked for alternate solution. Found a really cheap USB based sound card with virtual 5.1 CH sound track, power amplifier inside, recod function etc for just USD:3.90 from Hong Kong. Cheapest shipping is around $8 so I ordered it over the internet. According to seller its Mac ready and no drivers are required in any OS (windows, Linux and even Mac). I haven’t received and tested it yet, but will update this guide about the performance and quality of this sound card in SL.

NTFS Read/Write Support in Snow:
Apple does not like NTFS file system, so apparently there is no direct way of getting read and write access to NTFS volumes. Yes, NTFS volumes are visible in Mac OSX but they only provide you read only access. If you try to change the permission through Get Info, it will not allow you to do so.
In 10.5.x versions I was using NTFS-3G application / drivers to get read and write access to NTFS volume and it was working perfectly without any issue. However, recently I found this article which describes that Snow Leopard seems to include read/write support for NTFS partition, however its disabled by default. All you need to do is enable it. A command line method to enable native read/write access in SL is described there on this forum. I havn’t tested it yet (I will definitely do it and will update this guide about it when I have time), but another forum warrned of possible NTFS volume corruption using this method. So use it on your own risk

Sleep and Wakeup:
System sleeps instantly without any extra delay. But …… I unable to wake it up.
Not yet found.

How to Remove the old mkext file in /Extra/Extensions- Open Terminal and run following commands:

1. Execute this on a shell sudo chown -R root:wheel /Extra/Extensions
2. Execute this on a shell sudo chmod -R go-w /Extra/Extensions
3. Execute this on a shell sudo kextcache -v 1 -t -l -m /Extra/Extensions.mkext /Extra/Extensions

How to Clean the System Caches- Open Terminal and run following commands:

1. Execute this on a shell sudo rm -fr /Library/Caches/*
2. Execute this on a shell sudo rm -fr /System/Library/Caches/*
3. Execute this on a shell sudo kextcache -v 1 -t -l -m /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext /System/Library/Extensions


I searched web for running my SL smoothly and found very good forums / postings / links which I have booked marked and would like to thank all respective authors for their contribution and especially 3rr0rists:
1. What is Kext, Where is kext, how to install kext . Thanks to insanelymac for this article.
2. Understanding kexts. Thanks to Prasys’ Blog for this article.
3. ALC889A, Gigabyte, Vaious AppleHDA.kexts are available. Thanks to tmongkol for guide.
4. Removing errors and Warnings from DSDT files. Thanks to its author.
5. ACPI DSDT Table. Thanks to Donnerstag for this article.
6. OSX Terminal Commands. Thanks to its author.
7. How to apply DSDT. Thanks to insanelymac for this article.
8. A simple introduction to building a DSDT. Thanks to blackosx for this post.
9. Quartz Extreme and Core Imaging in Snow Leopard. Thanks to Prasys’ Blogh for this post.
10. KextHelper b7, a very good utility to install kexts (in S/L/E), I am not sure if you can use it to install kext in E/E folder.


I am not a mac expert and consider myself as a novice in this field, so I would request all Mac Gurus and experts to help me in improving this guide and correct me if I am wrong somewhere. I have a couple of un-resolved issues on this motherboard like sound (ALC888) not working tried every method. After DSDT editing my system profiler is able to see a device but my system preference does not show up any output or input device to select. If some one could guide me step by step how to get it working in a simple and detailed manner that would be great. 2nd issue is wakeup from sleep. If someone could also help me how to fix that, it will make this guide perfect. Thanks for reading this guide.

Gurujee (21-Sep-09)
A PDF of this guide is also attached [attachment=57297:EP45_UD3...on_Guide.pdf] with this posting.

'Hackintosh > Mainboard' 카테고리의 다른 글

10.5.7 on an Asus P5QL/EPU  (0) 2009.10.25
MSI P43 Neo3-F  (0) 2009.10.22
Asus P5P43TD Pro  (0) 2009.10.21
ASUS P5KC 에 IATKOS 설치 DVD로 OSX 설치하기  (0) 2009.10.17
GA-EX58-UD3R  (0) 2009.07.08
Posted by Ritz®™

요즈음 너무 심심하여 친구와 애기중에 눈범 애기가 나왔습니다.

과연 에이372버전이 나올 것인가? 에이355이후 버전이라면,,,,

그나저나 삼오오버전은 보안유지를 극도로 진행하고 있는 것 같은데 뭔가 이유가 있을 듯,,,,,,,

'macOS > Snow Leopard' 카테고리의 다른 글

10A394?  (0) 2009.07.05
Install Snow Leopard on a PC  (0) 2009.06.21
과연 10A372가 나올 것인가? 10A355이후 버전이라면,,,,  (5) 2009.06.06
Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재?  (0) 2009.05.08
Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재?  (0) 2009.05.08
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 5. 8. 12:44

Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재? macOS/Snow Leopard2009. 5. 8. 12:44

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 5. 8. 12:44

Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재? macOS/Snow Leopard2009. 5. 8. 12:44

'macOS > Snow Leopard' 카테고리의 다른 글

과연 10A372가 나올 것인가? 10A355이후 버전이라면,,,,  (5) 2009.06.06
Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재?  (0) 2009.05.08
Snow Leopard 10a335 released  (0) 2009.04.27
Snow Leopard 10a335 released  (15) 2009.04.27
Snow Leopard 10A314  (0) 2009.04.08
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 27. 14:05

Snow Leopard 10a335 released macOS/Snow Leopard2009. 4. 27. 14:05

Installing on a MacBook Air

Users who have mounted the DVD using the DVD or CD Sharing feature from another Mac or PC can now perform the installation by simply opening the 'Install Mac OS X' application. It is no longer necessary to follow the unique procedure using the Remote Install Mac OS X application. Note that you will need to ensure that 'Ask To Use' must be unchecked on the host machine which is sharing the DVD drive.

An extra disk partition is created as part of this process and should be removed after a successful installation. If the partition still exists after an installation, please report the issue and use Disk Utility to manually remove it.

Remote Install Assistant may fail over AirPort. Run the Install Mac OS X application as described above instead.

Installing Rosetta

Rosetta is now installed on demand and no longer needs to be selected in the Mac OS X Installer. Please try this if you have applications that require Rosetta and report any problems you encounter.

PowerPC apps are crashing for some users after installing Rosetta. Running 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' in Terminal and then rebooting will typically work around this. Note that you will be prompted for your admin password.

Other Installation Notes

- Custom install sizes are sometimes inaccurate, which may result in the Installer failing due to disk space issues.

- Migrating users over a network connection may result in a hang. Connect the machines via Firewire to workaround this.

- It may take several minutes to get to the Mac OS X Installer when using a DVD.

- Some settings such as Mobile Me login info and Keyboard settings are not migrated correctly.

The following are currently under investigation by engineering. No bug reports are needed for these. We will update this list to keep you informed of other known issues as we become aware of them.

- Custom install sizes are sometimes inaccurate, which may result in the Installer failing due to disk space issues.

- Migrating users over a network connection may result in a hang. Connect the machines via Firewire to workaround this.

- It may take several minutes to get to the Mac OS X Installer when using a DVD.

- Some settings such as Mobile Me login info and Keyboard settings are not migrated correctly.

- Some Rosetta applications crash on launch.

- 'Repair Permissions' in Disk Utility reports spurious errors.

- configd crashes can cause DNS lookups to fail.

- QuickTime Player may crash when playing DRM protected content in 64-bit.

- PowerPC apps are crashing for some users after installing Rosetta. Running 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' in Terminal and then rebooting will typically work around this. Note that you will be prompted for your admin password.

Below are a few focus areas that we would like you to help us test in Snow Leopard. For each area we have provided some things that you can try. Concentrate on those areas that you are familiar with and that you have the right test environment for. Feel free to go beyond what we have listed here. These are just meant to help get you started.

If you do run into problems testing any of these areas please be sure to submit a bug report using the link on your main AppleSeed page.


If you have access to Exchange Server 2007 you can use Snow Leopard's built in support to access your Exchange email, calendar events and contacts. Try configuring Mail, iCal and Address Book to access your Exchange data.

Time Machine

Try backing up your system, browsing the backed up files, and then restoring them. You can use external FireWire and USB drives or an internal disk partition. Use the Time Machine preferences to configure your backup settings. Also, try launching Time Machine while Address Book is active to restore specific contacts. Check that you can enter Time Machine while Mail is running. You can use Time Machine in the installer to restore a complete system backup. More information on using Time Machine can be found at: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1427

MacBook Air

If you have a MacBook Air, try installing the build using a variety of methods such as over wireless, via an external optical drive or over ethernet. Also check that you can share optical discs hosted by other computers.

WiFi Access

Check that you can connect wirelessly to the internet and that you able to remain connected for extended periods of time. Try waking from sleep to see if you automatically reconnect to your wireless network. Also, try changing locations from one wireless access point to another to see if you re-establish a connection at the new location.

Device Syncing

Contacts and calendars can be synced to several portable devices including iPods and certain models of PDAs and cell phones. iPod syncing is handled via iTunes while PDAs and cell phones are synced using the iSync application.

MobileMe Syncing

Use the MobileMe preference pane in System Preferences to configure the items you are interested in syncing. You will need a MobileMe account to use this. Try syncing the different types of data and then check that any changes you made appear as expected. You can sync Bookmarks, Calendars, Contacts, Keychains and Mail settings, Dashboard widgets, Dock items and preferences. You can use iDisk syncing to access your iDisk even when you are not connected to the internet. This can be turned on under the "iDisk" tab of the MobileMe System Preferences. Check that you can sync your iDisk data between multiple computers.

Application Compatibility

Try installing your favorite applications and check for unexpected dialog boxes and error messages. Look for general application stability and performance issues as well as any cosmetic drawing problems that weren't there in Leopard. You may also wish to verify that you can print from all applications.

Networking Connectivity

Make sure you can connect to the internet via your ISP. If you have access to multiple networks try changing your network location and reconnecting. Switch between ethernet and wireless network links. Make sure you can reconnect to the network after waking from sleep. If you have access to AFP and SMB servers, try connecting to them from the Finder.


Some things to try include printer set-up, configuring the printer preference panel, driver installation and using options/settings specific to your printer model.


Try text, voice and video chats, multi-way voice and video chats. Try sending files to and receiving files from on-line buddies. Video effects, video backdrops and iChat Screen Sharing are some other things to try.


Try searching for files using the Spotlight menu. Use searching in Mail to find specific e-mail messages. If you have removable hard drives, try searching for content on them. Drag the drive icons to the trash to verify that they can be unmounted.


Try installing new widgets. Look for differences in third-party widget functionality compared to how they function on Leopard. An extensive list of widgets can be found at http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/

'macOS > Snow Leopard' 카테고리의 다른 글

Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재?  (0) 2009.05.08
Snow Leopard에 3G 탑재?  (0) 2009.05.08
Snow Leopard 10a335 released  (15) 2009.04.27
Snow Leopard 10A314  (0) 2009.04.08
Snow Leopard 10A314  (37) 2009.04.08
Posted by Ritz®™