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설치 DVD등으로 설치 과정에 진입하면 설치할 파티션이 제대로 설정이 안 될 경우가 있다.

이런 경우 다시 한번 MAC Journaling으로 파티션으로 변환하는 방법중의 하나가 그림과 같은 방법이 될 것이다.

설치 과정중에 상단 메뉴의 utility에서 disk utility를 선택하여 다음과 같은 그림으로 진행하면 된다.

'Hackintosh > Install' 카테고리의 다른 글

0.45 x64 bugfix 2  (9) 2009.05.06
Partition 설정하는 방법  (1) 2009.04.27
해킨토시 설치 간략 개념  (0) 2009.04.13
해킨토시 설치 간략 개념  (6) 2009.04.13
10.5.X Combo Update  (0) 2009.04.10
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 16. 14:21

i7 BenchMark Hackintosh/Tip2009. 4. 16. 14:21

아래 그림은 맥프로(Early 2009)와 비교한 i7을 탑재한 해킨토시 성능 벤치마크 자료이다.

물론, 해킨토시의 CPU, 램, 그리고 그래픽 카드는 가격대비 저렴하게 얼마든지 업그레이드하여 사용할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

'Hackintosh > Tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

네트웍 설정확인하는 법  (0) 2009.04.22
i7 BenchMark  (0) 2009.04.16
Mac OS 9.0.4 가 해킨 시스템에서,,,,!!!!!  (0) 2009.04.14
Mac OS 9.0.4 를 SheepShaver로 해킨 시스템에서,,,,!!!!!  (2) 2009.04.14
IPHONE SDK용 시스템  (1) 2009.04.13
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 16. 14:15

NC10에 해킨토시 설치하기 Hackintosh/NoteBook2009. 4. 16. 14:15

NC10은 ATOM 프로세스를 탑재한 넷북이지만 저렴하게 Mac OS X 를 사용할 수 있다.
안정성도 탁월하다.
Mac OS X 는 10.6.8 까지 설치할 수 있다.
설치를 위해서는 다음글을 참고하기 바란다.

'Hackintosh > NoteBook' 카테고리의 다른 글

New Challenger for good NoteBook  (0) 2009.04.21
NC10  (0) 2009.04.16
HP Mini 1001TU 와 OSX Leopard  (6) 2009.03.09
HP Mini 1013TU  (1) 2009.02.28
Fujitus P1620 미니 타블렛 노트북  (0) 2009.02.11
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 13. 15:51

해킨토시 설치 간략 개념 Hackintosh/Install2009. 4. 13. 15:51

  1. CMOS Setup에서 ahci관련 부분을 설정하여 준다.
  2. 자신의 마더보드 칩셋을 확인한다. (ich7(?), ich10, nforce, ATI chip 등등을 알아야 겠지요. 윈도우즈에서 에베레스트 설치하여 확인하면 금방 확인 가능합니다.
  3. 호환성이 좋은 메인보드 칩셋(ich7이상)이라면 boot-132 + Retail DVD 이미지 아니라면 해킨이미지(xXx, idenb 등등)를 이용하여 설치한다.
  4. - 해킨이미지를 이용하여 설치하실 경우 요즈음은 voodoo 커널을 많이 이용하시더군요.
  5. 설치시에 -v 부팅옵션을 주어 설치시도하여 본다.
  6. 만약 정상적인 설치진행이 되질 않는 다면 관련 에러가 보일것이니 이 에러 메시지를 포스팅하여 문의한다.

'Hackintosh > Install' 카테고리의 다른 글

Partition 설정하는 방법  (1) 2009.04.27
Fat32에서 MAC Journaling으로 파티션 변환하는 방법  (1) 2009.04.27
해킨토시 설치 간략 개념  (6) 2009.04.13
10.5.X Combo Update  (0) 2009.04.10
Mac OS X 파티션 하는 방법  (0) 2009.04.10
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 13. 15:51

해킨토시 설치 간략 개념 Hackintosh/Install2009. 4. 13. 15:51

  1. CMOS Setup에서 ahci관련 부분을 설정하여 준다.
  2. 자신의 마더보드 칩셋을 확인한다. (ich7(?), ich10, nforce, ATI chip 등등을 알아야 겠지요. 윈도우즈에서 에베레스트 설치하여 확인하면 금방 확인 가능합니다.
  3. 호환성이 좋은 메인보드 칩셋(ich7이상)이라면 boot-132 + Retail DVD 이미지 아니라면 해킨이미지(xXx, idenb 등등)를 이용하여 설치한다.
  4. - 해킨이미지를 이용하여 설치하실 경우 요즈음은 voodoo 커널을 많이 이용하시더군요.
  5. 설치시에 -v 부팅옵션을 주어 설치시도하여 본다.
  6. 만약 정상적인 설치진행이 되질 않는 다면 관련 에러가 보일것이니 이 에러 메시지를 포스팅하여 문의한다.

'Hackintosh > Install' 카테고리의 다른 글

Fat32에서 MAC Journaling으로 파티션 변환하는 방법  (1) 2009.04.27
해킨토시 설치 간략 개념  (0) 2009.04.13
10.5.X Combo Update  (0) 2009.04.10
Mac OS X 파티션 하는 방법  (0) 2009.04.10
10.5.X Combo Update  (0) 2009.04.10
Posted by Ritz®™
Boot-132를 이용하여
Leopard를 설치하실려는 분이 많습니다. 

- Snow Leopard용은 여기로 : Snow Leopard용 Boot -132 

i945칩셋 이상 권장, i975, p35, p45 칩셋 권장, Leopard 10.5.4 이상의 Retail DVD / 10.4.5 고스트 이미지

이 방법이 오히려 처음 해킨토시를 접하시는 분들에게는 더 쉽다는 개인적인 생각입니다.
또한 USB메모리 스틱(주의 : 외장형 하드디스크가 아닙니다.  외장형 하드디스크와 USB 메모리 스틱은 다릅니다.  제품 구매시 재확인 부탁드립니다.) 을 이용하면 작게는 30MB나 조금 여유있게는 60MB정도의 공간을 이용할 수 있으며CD를 이용한 BOOT-132 방법보다 첨가 수정이 훨신 간단한 방법입니다.
더구나 CD를 이용하다 INITRD.IMG 화일 안에 엉뚱한 드라이버를 집어 넣어 수정해야 할 경우나 추가해야될 드라이버가 있으면 새로운 CD를 이용해야 합니다.
USB를 이용하면 INITRD.IMG 파일을 윈오우즈에서 TRANSMAC등으로 간단하게 수정할 수 있으니 CD 낭비도 적고효율적이라 할 수 있습니다.


-USB 메모리

* USB 메모리 스틱은 위와 같이 생겼습니다.
즉,  USB외장형 하드디스크와는 다른 제품입니다.

- Original ISO with project kexts: http://www.mediafire.com/?uwd9dtttjfk 

주위) 등록하여야 다운로드가 가능합니다.

위의 ISO를 이용하여 CD를 굽는 것이 아니라 CD이미지 안에 있는 INITRD.IMG 화일만 DAEMON TOOLS드의 가상시디 소프트웨어를 이용 추출하여 사용합니다

1. USB 메모리 스틱에 BOOT-132 부트로더 설치하기        
- Syslinux 패키지를 c:\syslinux 폴더에 압축화일을 풀면 win32폴더에 syslinux.exe 실행명령어가 보일 것입니다.        
- 윈도우즈에서 시작>실행>“CMD”를 입력하고 엔터를 쳐서 다음과 같이 명령어를 입력합니다.        
- cd    c:\syslinux\win32
- syslinux.exe -ma E:       
- USB STICK 메모리가 E: 드라이버라고 가정한 명령어입니다. 이제 USB로 부팅이 가능합니다.

- 다음과 같이 다운로드 받은 USB화일을 USB 최상위 폴더에 압축을 풀어 줍니다.


2. USB 메모리 스틱에 INITRD.IMG 화일 심어주기

- 다운로드 받은 Original ISO 시디 이미지를 데몬툴 등으로 만운트합니다.
- 마운트 된 Original ISO CD 이미지안에 INITRD.IMG 화일을 USB 최상위 폴더에 복사하여 줍니다.


3. USB 메모리 스틱을 이용한 BOOT-132 부트로더 설치는 끝났습니다.

- 복사한 initrd.img 화일은 TransMAC 등의 유틸리티를 이용하여 안의 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다. 
- 이제 Leopard Retail 이미지를 이용하여 설치할 수 있는 준비를 마쳤습니다.

만약, boot-132 usb를 이용하여 부팅하였을 때, 다음과 같은 에러메시지를 보았다면 다시 처음부터 작업을 하여 주어야 합니다.  부트로더가 제대로 설치가 되지 않았기 때문이죠.
EBIOS read error : Error 0xbb
   Block 0 Sectors 64

'Hackintosh > BOOT-132' 카테고리의 다른 글

Snow Leopard용 Boot -132  (0) 2009.10.29
Ubuntu 9.04를 이용한 Chameleon usb stick 만들기  (0) 2009.05.28
Boot-132, Adobe After Effects  (0) 2009.03.28
Posted by Ritz®™
Leopard설치하실려는 분이 많습니다.  

i945칩셋 이상 권장, i975, p35, p45 칩셋 권장, Leopard 10.5.4 이상의 Retail DVD / 10.4.5 고스트 이미지

방법이 오히려 처음 해킨토시를 접하시는 분들에게는 쉽다는 개인적인 생각입니다
또한 USB메모리 스틱(주의 : 외장형 하드디스크가 아닙니다.  외장형 하드디스크와 USB 메모리 스틱은 다릅니다.  제품 구매시 재확인 부탁드립니다.)이용하면 작게는 30MB조금 여유있게는 60MB정도의 공간을 이용할 있으며CD이용한 BOOT-132 방법보다 첨가 수정이 훨신 간단한 방법입니다
더구나 CD이용하다 INITRD.IMG 화일 안에 엉뚱한 드라이버를 집어 넣어 수정해야 경우나 추가해야될 드라이버가 있으면 새로운 CD이용해야 합니다
USB이용하면 INITRD.IMG 파일을 윈오우즈에서 TRANSMAC등으로 간단하게 수정할 있으니 CD 낭비도 적고효율적이라 있습니다


USB 메모리 스틱
* 주의  USB 메모리 스틱은 다음과 같이 생겼습니다.

* Axxen, HP I-Clip, Sky 등등 좋은 제품이 많이 나오더군요.
외장형 하드디스크와는 다른 제품입니다.

- Original ISO with project kexts: http://www.mediafire.com/?uwd9dtttjfk 

위의 ISO이용하여 CD굽는 것이 아니라 CD이미지 안에 있는 INITRD.IMG 화일만 DAEMON TOOLS드의 가상시디 소프트웨어를 이용 추출하여 사용합니다

1. USB 메모리 스틱에 BOOT-132 부트로더 설치하기        
- Syslinux 패키지를 c:\syslinux 폴더에 압축화일을 풀면 win32폴더에 syslinux.exe 실행명령어가 보일 것입니다.        
- 윈도우즈에서 시작>실행>“CMD”입력하고 엔터를 쳐서 다음과 같이 명령어를 입력합니다.        
- cd    c:\syslinux\win32
- syslinux.exe -ma E:        
- USB STICK 메모리가 E: 드라이버라고 가정한 명령어입니다. 이제 USB부팅이 가능합니다

- 다음과 같이 다운로드 받은 USB화일을 USB 최상위 폴더에 압축을 풀어 줍니다. 


2. USB 메모리 스틱에 INITRD.IMG 화일 심어주기 

- 다운로드 받은 Original ISO 시디 이미지를 데몬툴 등으로 만운트합니다
- 마운트 된 Original ISO CD 이미지안에 INITRD.IMG 화일을 USB 최상위 폴더에 복사하여 줍니다. 


3. USB 메모리 스틱을 이용한 BOOT-132 부트로더 설치는 끝났습니다. 

- 복사한 initrd.img 화일은 TransMAC 등의 유틸리티를 이용하여 안의 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다. 
- 이제 Leopard Retail 이미지를 이용하여 설치할 수 있는 준비를 마쳤습니다.

'Hackintosh > Install' 카테고리의 다른 글

10.5.X Combo Update  (0) 2009.04.10
10.5.X Combo Update  (1) 2009.04.10
신혜파파님의 환상적인 설치후기  (5) 2009.03.30
Leopard HD install helper v0.3(Win32)  (0) 2009.03.21
멀티부팅 XP/Vista 와 MAC OSX  (0) 2009.03.10
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 4. 3. 22:59

GIGABYTE GA-EX58-UD5 (Core i7) Hackintosh/Mainboard2009. 4. 3. 22:59



First of all, I really appreciate digital_dreamer.
This posting is from him, you can see his posting in here.
Many have expressed a desire to have the Retail DVD Install and Boot from EFI Partition Retail DVD Install tutorials moved from the growing Upcoming Intel X58 Mobos & Core i7 CPUs thread to this Tutorials forum for easy access. They have been getting buried in the numerous posts and hard to monitor for updates. Many, perhaps, don't know they were even there. This Retail DVD Install thread is divided into two parts: 1. DIGITAL_DREAMER'S STANDARD RETAIL DVD INSTALL (included in this post) This portion will begin by outlining the basic steps performed for the install and what kexts are needed, replaced or deleted. This method entails installing your Mac OS X Retail DVD and a small bootloader (PC-EFIv8). I prefer the Retail DVD install method over the common distros from a legal point of view, as it allows one to purchase a current OS X Retail DVD and, therefore, support Apple. This is a vanilla install with a handful of kexts removed/replaced for full functionality. See these threads for further information: Retail DVD Guide and New modified BOOT-132 allows you to boot retail DVDs, Use Mac OS X Retail DVD on hackintoshes! 2. WOLFIENUKE'S BOOT FROM EFI PARTITION RETAIL DVD INSTALL (see next post) The Boot from EFI partition method is basically an extension to the Boot-132 method, where the modified kexts are copied to a hidden partition (EFI), leaving your vanilla Retail DVD install untouched on your main drive. This method allows you to run Apple's Software Update without any problems whatsoever. This is arguably the best install method, and one I'm currently using, if you want to keep your system up-to-date with few problems. Making this method even more appealing is the walk-through script written by wolfienuke, where you simply answer a few options and confirm your choices. Although the script runs in the Terminal, no Terminal background is necessary. STANDARD RETAIL DVD INSTALL - UPDATE: 1/25/2008
  1. Updated audio with the latest AppleHDA.kext: Version 1.6.2a37 3outs3ins digital with HDA headphone setup. This update supports HDA front audio: When you plug headphones in, the front speakers will be automatically muted. Also, in System Preferences' Sound, the name Internal Speakers will be changed to Headphones. Additionally, the Microphone inputs include the "Use ambient noise reduction" option.
  2. Added DSDT patcher. An updated dsdt.aml file will be created and copied to your root directory. For more information on this patcher and why it's needed, see DSDT Patcher, a tool to fix your DSDT.
UPDATE: 1/17/2008

  1. Tutorial has been updated for 10.5.6
  2. Standalone kext package and installer package now includes the Voodoo-based 9.6.0 kernel.

  1. Added further instructions for those who may have more than one partition on their drive.
  2. Updated the Realtek LAN driver with version 1.8.1 from Psystar, which offers dual-gigabit support and enhanced interrupt handling for improved throughput and link detection. This driver fixes the connection loss after wake issue when using DHCP. Turn "Green LAN" on OFF in BIOS so ports can activate automatically when cable is plugged in. (Latest BIOS update must have toggled the "Green LAN" behavior.)
  3. Simplified script and clarified some instructions.
  4. Updated AppleAHCIPort.kext to support the Intel ICH10-R Chipset. Now shows proper info in System Profiler.
  5. Modified instructions for those who need ejecting drives, i.e. eSATA. Option is available to not include "internal fix." Until a real fix is made, all drives would be flagged as "external" and will have yellow icons.
  6. Fixed stupid paths error in post-patch script.
  7. If you need any of the vanilla kexts that are removed from OS X 10.5.5 by the script, they are here.
Download Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 motherboard kexts - now includes Voodoo-based 9.6.0 kernel. (4MB)

All that's really needed to boot into OS X on this board is the Voodoo kernel, its accompanying System.kext, and dsmos.kext. That's it. Everything else are little fixes for hardware reporting, updated device IDs, audio, LAN, etc. In my case, I also needed the Natit.kext for ATI graphic card support, as without it I just got video corruption and couldn't see the desktop. One important issue to keep in mind when installing kexts is that non-Apple kexts, like dsmos.kext, and injectors, like HDAEnabler.kext, Natit.kext, etc. are not installed with permissions data regarding them. So, Repairing Permissions will do absolutely nothing in fixing them. With the exception of commercial software that come with their own installers, only Apple-supplied OS software will get their permissions repaired. So, be absolutely sure the permissions are correct for these non-Apple kexts, or your system won't boot. Either use the Terminal to do a "sudo chmod -R 755" and "sudo chown -R root:wheel" to the file or use software like OSx86 Tools Utility to install kexts automatically. After performing a Retail Mac OS X Leopard DVD install, our modified post-patch script will be performing the following basic steps for this board. If you desire to perform the kext install manually, these are the steps you would want to accomplish for fully operational subsystems: BASIC RUNDOWN: Install Mac OS X Leopard Retail DVD Backup 10 vanilla files from original install: (This is not absolutely necessary, but a good practice.)
  1. AppleACPIPlatform.kext
  2. AppleAHCIPort.kext
  3. AppleEFIRuntime.kext
  4. AppleHDA.kext
  5. AppleSMBIOS.kext
  6. IOAHCIFamily.kext
  7. IOATAFamily.kext
  8. JMicronATA.kext
  9. System.kext
  10. com.apple.boot.plist (from Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration directory)
Remove 7 incompatible kexts from install:

  1. AppleACPIPlatform.kext
  2. AppleAHCIPort.kext
  3. AppleHDA.kext
  4. AppleSMBIOS.kext
  5. IOAHCIFamily.kext
  6. IOATAFamily.kext
  7. JMicronATA.kext
Install kernel and supporting files (ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO BOOT!):

  1. Voodoo-based 9.6.0 kernel by Andy Vandijck (named "mach_kernel")
  2. Voodoo-based System.kext
  3. com.apple.boot.plist -(updated with device properties string and busratio=20 flag for Voodoo kernel)
Install updated/modified kexts:

  1. AppleHDA.kext
(pre-patched for the ALC889a chipset with Targas patcher)
  2. HDAEnabler.kext
(goes with the included AppleHDA.kext)
  3. AppleACPIPlatform.kext
(w/reboot fix)
  4. IOATAFamily.kext
(over 4GB RAM fix)
  5. JMicronATA.kext
(over 4GB RAM fix)
  6. IOAHCIFamily.kext
(display drives as "internal" fix. NOTE: If you have removable drives, this kext should not be used.)
  7. AppleAHCIPort.kext
(ICH10R ATA driver
  8. RealtekR1000.kext
(on-board LAN support from Psystar's version (1.8.1) of the Realtek R1000 driver)
  9. Natit.kext
(support for the ATI 2400 to 3800x2 GPU Series from netkas.)
  10. NVinject.kext
(support for the NVIDIA GPUs. The NVkush.kext is included for those who wish to use it instead.)
  11. AppleSMBIOS.kext
(for PC EFI compatibility)
  12. dsmos.kext
(page decryption EFI module - ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO BOOT!)
Remove kext cache on new install:

sudo rm -r /Volumes/YOUR_HDD_NAME/System/Library/Extensions.mkext Repair permissions: sudo diskutil repairpermissions /Volumes/YOUR_HDD_NAME DONE! NOTES:
  1. Because I have a ATI GPU, the script includes support for it. If you have a NVIDIA GPU, you may need to install a separate kext. If you have the NVIDIA 8800GT 512, try the included NVinject.kext in the downloaded kexts folder.] Already included.
  2. If you are using DHCP in your Ethernet settings, the RealtekR1000 LAN driver will only grab an IP during boot time, and after wake from sleep will not connect again. Until a fix is made, it is suggested that we use a fixed/manual IP address for your Ethernet connection. This includes inputing your Subnet Mask and Router IP, as well. FIXED with Psystar's version of the Realtek R1000 driver.
You may install these kexts/files via:

  1. Terminal.
  2. Kext Helper b7 (and Terminal). This tool is of limited use as it will only install kexts on the active partition.
  3. OSx86 Tools Utility. This utility will install kexts to the partition of your choice and label them in red for easy visibility. A very versatile tool.
  4. Universal OSx86 Installer.
  5. Slimbuild - Boot-132 CD Creator or SlimbuildGUI.
  6. Retail DVD Install method, which I will outline below.
  7. Boot-132 install or Modified BOOT-132 install.
  8. Boot from EFI Partition method - the best method for a totally unmodified OS install that can be updated without any post-patching or user intervention. See wolfienuke's Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 EFI Partition Boot Install Script in the next post for a incredibly simple and quick install technique.

Download Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 Installer. (7MB) These files include the EFI v8.0 bootloader, kexts, Voodoo-based 9.6.0 kernel, com.apple.boot.plist, and pre-patch and post-patch scripts. Some have asked for a Boot-132 image, such as created from the Slimbuild CD Creator. The problem is that it works best when you include the UUID of your Install DVD in the boot.plist, which I wouldn't know first hand. I can still make it available, but don't know how successful it may be, as not even I can get it to work reliably. INSTRUCTIONS: Much credit and many thanks go to LTL, from whom the scripts and instructions are based on, David Eliott, who created the boot-132 bootloader, Kabyl and many, many other talented individuals that make these projects possible. If you are already familiar with this method, you don't need to read any further here, but simply make sure you read the scripts well, as there are slight changes. If you are not familiar with this method, go to the Retail DVD Guide to become acquainted with the process and procedure. However, the procedure in the scripts provided below are slightly different. The following is the basic objective: PREPARATION
  1. It is ideal to have two physical drives (not two partitions on the same drive).
  2. One drive must already have OS X installed and running.
This may mean using another Mac or installing a easy-to-use distro like Kalyway on the smaller/slower drive. (I only mention Kalyway, because it is the only distro I'm familiar with and know works well with this board. There may be more recent distros that can achieve equal success.)
  3. Make an ISO of your Retail DVD and download the Combo update, if needed.
  4. Partition your install drive with the GUID Partition Table option from Disk Utility.
  5. Take note of the Disk Identifier for that drive (Get Info of partition, not volume). It may look like this: disk0s2
The first number following "disk" is the disk number. This second number following the "s" is the partition number.
  6. Unmount the drive.

  1. Open the pre-patch.sh script in the "EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5" folder in your text editor of choice.
  2. Update the name of your install drive in the script here: sudo vsdbutil -a /Volumes/Name_of_your_install_volume
  3. Update (if needed) the Disk Identifier labels in the script (DISKID and PRTNID) to match your own install disk. Remember, the first number following "disk" is the disk number. This second number following the "s" is the partition number. For example, if your identifier is "disk1s2", then the label should look like this: DISKID=1 and PRTNID=2
  4. In Terminal: sudo -s
  5. Type in your user password at the prompt.
  6. In Terminal, cd to the "EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5" folder and run pre-patch.sh as root.
HELP: If the folder is on your desktop, in Terminal: cd /Users/Your_User_Name/Desktop/EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5
  7. or, type cd, followed by a space, drag "EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5" folder to Terminal window and press Enter
  8. To run script, in Terminal: ./pre-patch.sh
  9. When script completes, your install volume should be mounted.
NOTE: If you have more than one partition on this drive and encounter this error in Terminal, "dd: /dev/diskX: Resource busy", it's likely the other partitions need to be unmounted. The easiest way to run this pre-patch script without these errors is to unmount all the other partitions of the target drive via Disk Utility (with the exception of the partition you are installing to). Make sure your target partition is mounted and, then, run the script again. At the completion of this script, your partitions should be mounted again.

  1. Mount Retail DVD ISO.
  2. In Terminal: open "/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg"
If you are not able to access directory via Terminal:
  3. In Terminal: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
  4. In Terminal: killall Finder
  5. Now, dig down to System/Installation/Packages via Finder
  6. Double-click OSInstall.mpkg in Finder
  7. (To hide files in Finder again, in Terminal: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE )
  8. Install OS X to target drive.
  9. If needed/desired, mount Combo Updater and install, as well.

  1. Open the post-patch.sh script in the "EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5" folder in your text editor of choice.
  2. Update the name of your DESTINATION drive:
  3. NOTE: If you have removable drives (i.e. eSATA), the following two lines should be commented out "#" or deleted.
sudo rm -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext
  4. sudo cp -r kexts/IOAHCIFamily.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/
  5. In Terminal: sudo -s (followed by your password)
  6. In Terminal: /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/Name_of_your_install_volume
  7. In Terminal, cd to the "EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5" folder and run post-patch.sh as root.
HELP: If the folder is on your desktop, in Terminal: cd /Users/Your_User_Name/Desktop/EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5
  8. or, type cd, followed by a space, drag "EFI_Installer_GA-EX58-UD5" folder to Terminal window and press Enter
  9. To run script, in Terminal: ./post-patch.sh
  10. When script finishes, in Terminal: exit

UPDATES: Most of the time, you can run Software Update without any issues. However, sometimes the updates modify the custom-installed kexts and even the kernel, which may result in a non-booting Mac. In those cases, all you need to do is boot into the other drive and run the post-patch.sh script again and you should be ready to run. Again, follow the directions in the scripts very carefully. There are changes that need to be made on your end for a successful install. Being human, I'm sure I goofed somewhere, so provide feedback if there are issues. Disclaimer: I will not be held responsible for any damages, non-working systems, explosions, dead kittens, screaming monkeys, etc. that may result from following these instructions. HELPFUL LINKS AND SCREENSHOTS:Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5 product pageGigabyte X58 BIOS FeaturesVirtual BIOSTweakTown: Gigabyte Technical Support ForumBIOS F4 binary update • Preconfigured BIOS profiles (Load CMOS from BIOS <F12>) Contains default 2.66GHz settings (start with this!), 3.2GHz overclock, and 3.8GHz overclock. These are my working profiles. They likely will work for you if you have set up your system similarly, but that is not guaranteed. The most likely area of change is the RAM speed and timings, so pay attention to that, as I run 1600MHz RAM with 9-9-9-24 timings. Additionally, keep in mind the overclock profiles are for my board. Although the 3.2GHz overclock settings required no voltage changes, the 3.8GHz settings required a CPU Vcore (1.4v) and QPI/Vtt (1.34v) voltage change, but still well within the maximum allowed for the CPU and chipset. Although these settings are safe, they may be more than your board needs or less than it needs. Only you can determine that through tests. I will not take responsibility for any harm done from overclocking your board. NOTE: I use the Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) for my Corsair XMS3 RAM. Your RAM may not have a XMP profile or one under the same name, so double-check this setting. For the absolute best in stability, use the XMP profile (if available) or key in your memory timings manually (Your BIOS can only guess your timings with the AUTO setting.) Current Integrated Peripherals settings in the BIOS: pk340000000002.png Reduced: 86% of original size [ 593 x 443 ] - Click to view full image Working hardware devices: (CLICK FOR ACTUAL SIZE) mk7.png Reduced: 86% of original size [ 593 x 445 ] - Click to view full image Crunching Prime95 for 5 hours @ 3.8GHz: (CLICK FOR ACTUAL SIZE)  Reduced: 86% of original size [ 593 x 475 ] - Click to view full image kind regards, MAJ

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