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이미 철지난 기사지만 의외로 모르시는 분들이 많아 다시 한번 재탕하여 봅니다.

[펌, 이찬진 블로그 http://blog.dreamwiz.com/chanjin]

게임이고 제목은 Heavy Mach. 입니다.

무료 버전인 Heavy Mach. Lite는 25위에 올라 있습니다.

유료가 5위이고 무료가 25위인 것으로 보아 무료 버전이 유명해진 다음에 유료 버전이 팔리는 식은 아니었던 것 같습니다.

그리고 무료 버전을 다운로드 받아서 해보시면 아시겠지만 꽤 완성도가 높습니다.

Studio 이름은 'IndieAn'이라고 되어 있고 판매자는 '해준 Byun'이라고 되어 있는데 미국에 사는 교포이신지 한국에 사시는 분인지는 아직 모르겠습니다.

이 포스팅을 보시는 분 중에서 홈페이지인 http://indiean.com/의 IP 어드레스를 파악해서 ISP가 한국인지 미국인지 혹은 다른 곳인지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다. ^_^

어쨌든 전체 5위면 아마도 하루에 수천개씩은 팔릴테니 하루에 수백만원씩은 버는 셈입니다.

일이주일이만 지나면 저희가 몇 달 해서 올린 수입보다도 더 많은 수입을 올리시게 되는 셈입니다. ^_^

청년재벌 탄생을 모두 축하해 주십시오. ^__^

그리고 사돈이 땅을 샀으니 모두다 배아퍼 하십시오.

그리고 그 배아픔을 내가 더 잘할 수 있다는 오기와 동기부여로 삼으셨으면 합니다.

저희도 아픈 배를 꼭 잡고 직접 이런 히트작은 개발하든지 저희 능력이 모자라면 개발하시는 훌륭한 분들의 작품을 퍼블리싱하든지 해서 히트작을 꼭 내도록 노력하겠습니다...

Posted by Ritz®™

이미 철지난 기사지만 의외로 모르시는 분들이 많아 다시 한번 재탕하여 봅니다.

[펌, 이찬진 블로그 http://blog.dreamwiz.com/chanjin]

게임이고 제목은 Heavy Mach. 입니다.

무료 버전인 Heavy Mach. Lite는 25위에 올라 있습니다.

유료가 5위이고 무료가 25위인 것으로 보아 무료 버전이 유명해진 다음에 유료 버전이 팔리는 식은 아니었던 것 같습니다.

그리고 무료 버전을 다운로드 받아서 해보시면 아시겠지만 꽤 완성도가 높습니다.

Studio 이름은 'IndieAn'이라고 되어 있고 판매자는 '해준 Byun'이라고 되어 있는데 미국에 사는 교포이신지 한국에 사시는 분인지는 아직 모르겠습니다.

이 포스팅을 보시는 분 중에서 홈페이지인 http://indiean.com/의 IP 어드레스를 파악해서 ISP가 한국인지 미국인지 혹은 다른 곳인지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다. ^_^

어쨌든 전체 5위면 아마도 하루에 수천개씩은 팔릴테니 하루에 수백만원씩은 버는 셈입니다.

일이주일이만 지나면 저희가 몇 달 해서 올린 수입보다도 더 많은 수입을 올리시게 되는 셈입니다. ^_^

청년재벌 탄생을 모두 축하해 주십시오. ^__^

그리고 사돈이 땅을 샀으니 모두다 배아퍼 하십시오.

그리고 그 배아픔을 내가 더 잘할 수 있다는 오기와 동기부여로 삼으셨으면 합니다.

저희도 아픈 배를 꼭 잡고 직접 이런 히트작은 개발하든지 저희 능력이 모자라면 개발하시는 훌륭한 분들의 작품을 퍼블리싱하든지 해서 히트작을 꼭 내도록 노력하겠습니다...

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 5. 5. 06:25

Monitor 설정 Hackintosh/Tip2009. 5. 5. 06:25

모니터 설정


Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 5. 4. 03:40

Adobe CS 시리즈 설치하기 Application/Adobe2009. 5. 4. 03:40

언어별 버전 구별하는 방법


 다음과 같이 MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS3.dmg 이미지를 클릭클릭하여 설치할 수 있다.


라이센스 이슈나 터미날 작업이 필요한 경우는 다음글을 참조하면 된다.


'Application > Adobe' 카테고리의 다른 글

Adobe CS4 Illustrator  (0) 2010.03.24
adobe output module 2.1 failed to install  (0) 2009.10.30
Photoshop Performance 설정  (0) 2009.04.30
Photoshop Performance 설정  (1) 2009.04.30
Adobe CS4 licence expire  (0) 2009.03.28
Posted by Ritz®™

Source : http://ipis-osx.wikidot.com/forum/t-135336 

1. Boot from Apple Install DVD, wait all the stuffs to load, and launch Disk Utility.
2. Unmount your OSX partition in Disk Utility
3. Close Disk Utility, open Terminal and type:

diskutil list

— you will see something similar to this:
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *149.1 Gi   disk0
   1:               Windows_NTFS SYSTEM                  80.0 Gi    disk0s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS OSX                     69.0 Gi    disk0s2
   3:                                                    39.2 Mi    disk0s3
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     Apple_partition_scheme                        *4.4 Gi     disk1
   1:        Apple_partition_map                         31.5 Ki    disk1s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS iDeneb v1.3 10.5.5      4.4 Gi     disk1s3
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *111.8 Gi   disk2
   1:               Windows_NTFS eMag                    111.8 Gi   disk2s1
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:                            untitled               *467.0 Ki   disk3
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:                            untitled               *467.0 Ki   disk4
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:                            untitled               *95.0 Ki    disk5
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:                            untitled               *95.0 Ki    disk6

— at this stage remember the correct ID for Apple_HFS OSX and id of the physical HDD.

4. Now we gonna install boot0 part of Darwin boot loader in the Master Boot Record by typing:

dd if=/usr/standalone/i386/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1

— if your path to Darwin boot loader package differs, feel free to change the path. It is important to identify the disk ID of your MBR; if it is not 'disk0' feel free to change it too.
5. Now we should install boot1h part of Darwin boot loader in the boot sector of our OSX partition:
dd if=/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 bs=512 count=1

As I said before, it is always a good idea to have a tool for Win you can use to display and modify your OSX files. In mine case I own MacDrive 7.
6. Type reboot in Terminal and return to your Windows.
7. Boot in Windows and check you got this line in your boot.ini:
C:\chain0="Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard"

8. Copy from /usr/standalone/i386/ a fresh copy of chain0 in your C:\ partition.
9. You may also want to refresh from /usr/standalone/i386/ your copy of boot which is in the root volume of your OSX partition.
10. Restart, you should see the Windows boot loader menu and if everything was properly set clicking on „Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard“ will bring you back to your beloved OSX part of life.

Hope this will help someone in trouble as I was.

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 5. 3. 05:50

MAC Theme Hackintosh/Tip2009. 5. 3. 05:50



'Hackintosh > Tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

사용하던 화일이 사라졌다?  (0) 2009.05.04
MAC Theme  (0) 2009.05.03
root 계정 활성화 하기  (0) 2009.04.30
시스템 로그 위치  (0) 2009.04.30
시스템 로그 위치  (0) 2009.04.30
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 5. 3. 05:50

MAC Theme Hackintosh/Tip2009. 5. 3. 05:50



'Hackintosh > Tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

사용하던 화일이 사라졌다?  (0) 2009.05.04
사용하던 화일이 사라졌다?  (0) 2009.05.04
MAC Theme  (0) 2009.05.03
root 계정 활성화 하기  (0) 2009.04.30
시스템 로그 위치  (0) 2009.04.30
Posted by Ritz®™


When running non-modified retail version of Mac OS X on a generic PC, a special boot loader is needed in order to trick the vanilla Apple operating system to think it’s running on a genuine Mac[1]. One of these boot loaders is called Chameleon[2]. But Chameleon installation requires some tweaking in order to do the magic. It’s not enough just to install Chameleon on the system disk but you also need some hardware-specific configuration in order to enjoy a fully working Hackintosh system.

The configuration consists of multiple files. You could install these files directly to the system disk you’re booting from or the EFI file partition if using hard disk with GPT partition layout. But it’s also possible to bundle all the needed stuff except boot configuration inside a single disk image file which Chameleon loads on startup and reads the files inside the image. This way you only need to install this preboot image file and boot configuration file and your system disk remains less polluted. I find this approach much more appealing as it allows me to keep the system as clean as possible.

In this guide we’re going to create a Chameleon preboot image from the scratch in a generic way. It is assumed that the machine and motherboard in particular in use has good compatibility with vanilla Mac OS X Snow Leopard. In practice this means Intel Core 2 processor with Intel chipset on the motherboard. You’ll also need a working Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6 installation running on a genuine Mac or Hackintosh with root shell access. The whole process is being done in the shell using command-line tools. Also if you’re going to patch your DSDT, you’re probably going to need a way to boot Linux on the machine if you don’t have Mac OS X already installed. Ubuntu Live CD would do it just fine[3].

Preparing the preboot image

  1. Create the preboot disk image and mount it. We’re using the file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/Preboot.dmg in this guide.

    ~: $ hdiutil create -size 4m -layout MBRSPUD -fs HFS+ -uid 0 -gid 0 \
            -volname Preboot ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/Preboot.dmg
    ~: $ hdiutil attach -noverify ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/Preboot.dmg
  2. Write down the device name for the preboot disk. In the guide we’re using /dev/disk3.

  3. Fix the preboot mountpoint so that file can be owned by root.

    ~: $ sudo diskutil enableOwnership /dev/disk3s1
  4. Mark the file system so that fseventsd doesn’t keep any logs there.

    ~: $ sudo rm -rf /Volumes/Preboot/.fseventsd
    ~: $ sudo install -o root -g admin -m 700 -d /Volumes/Preboot/.fseventsd
    ~: $ sudo touch /Volumes/Preboot/.fseventsd/no_log
    ~: $ sudo chmod 400 /Volumes/Preboot/.fseventsd/no_log
    ~: $ sudo chown root:admin /Volumes/Preboot/.fseventsd/no_log

Kernel extensions

Chameleon needs to load some kernel extensions prior to booting the Mac OS X kernel in order to fix some issues running the Apple operating system on non-Apple hardware. Also Mac OS X may not include drivers for all of your hardware so you need to add any 3rd party drivers that your hardware needs to function. You can read this article[4] to find more about kernel extensions.

  1. Create directory to hold the kernel extensions. You must not change the path as Chameleon expects to find the kernel extensions under Extra/Extensions directory under the root of the preboot volume.

    ~: $ sudo mkdir -p /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions
  2. Download the following mendatory kernel extensions saving each .kext file under/Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions.

    • fakesmc.kext [5],[6]
      • System Management Controller emulator. Mac OS X won’t boot on a Hackintosh without this.
    • OpenHaltRestart.kext [7]
      • Fixes shutdown/restart issues.
  3. You may want to include the following additional generic kernel extensions.

  4. Download any 3rd party driver kernel extensions for your hardware and place them under/Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions too. Good places to find additional kernel extensios are kexts.com[11] and myHack[10]. For a real-world example, you can read my posting Technical details of my Hackintosh installation.

  5. Fix permissions and ownership of the kernel extensions. Kernel extensions won’t load if the files are not owned by root:wheel[12].

    ~: $ sudo find /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
    ~: $ sudo find /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    ~: $ sudo chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions
  6. Create/update extensions cache

    ~: $ sudo kextcache -m /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions.mkext /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/Extensions

Patch DSDT

DSDT[13],[14] is an ACPI table that is stored in the BIOS. In order to work correctly, some functionality in Mac OS X depends on features of the DSDT that can be found on Macs. The DSDT in your generic PC’s BIOS might be incorrect or buggy when used with Mac OS X. Chameleon supports overriding the DSDT provided by your hardware with a version loaded prior to loading the operating system. Thus you can create a patched DSDT for your hardware based on your original DSDT that is also compatible with Mac OS X and make your Hackintosh behave well without modifying hardware or BIOS.

The plan for DSDT patching is straightforward.

  1. First you need to extract the DSDT binary code in AML format (ACPI Machine Language) wired to your BIOS.

  2. Then you decompile the AML binary to ASL (ACPI Source Language), which is source code to the AML binary in ASCII format.

  3. Edit the AML source code to patch in any desired fixes.

  4. Compile the patched AML source to get an updated DSDT AML binary file.

  5. You need to include the resulting DSDT AML binary file in the Chameleon preboot environment so Chameleon can find and load it and override the built-in DSDT with the patched one on system startup.

For decompilation and compilation of DSDT you need Intel ASL compiler/decompiler[15]. For Debian/Ubuntu, the tool is available in the package iasl[16]. Mac version[17] is also available. The iasl binary is stored in the Tools directory of the linked download.

Actual changes to the DSDT are always dependant on the combination of particular hardware and BIOS version so I’ll go through these steps here in a generic way.

Extracting the DSDT AML binary

In Linux, the DSDT extraction is a breeze as the blob available under the /proc file system[14]. Just run

    ~: $ sudo install -o `whoami` /proc/acpi/dsdt ~/dsdt-original.aml

and you have a copy of your DSDT AML binary in the file ~/dsdt-original.aml.

In Mac OS X you can extract the DSDT AML binary to the file ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.aml by running the following command:

    ~: $ ioreg -lw0 | perl -pne'$_=pack"c*",map{hex}unpack"(A2)*",($_=~/"DSDT"=<([^>]+)/)[0]' \
            > ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.aml

Note that if running Mac OS X, be sure that the system doesn’t have a patched currently DSDT applied or you won’t be able to extract the original DSDT in the BIOS!

Decompiling DSDT AML binary to ASL source

Use the following iasl command to decompile the DSDT AML binary ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.aml and save it as ASL source file ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.dsl:

    ~: $ iasl -d ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.aml && \
            mv ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt-original.dsl ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.dsl

Editing the DSDT ASL source

Now you can edit the file ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.dsl and fix any hardware-specific problems with the DSDT. I’ve documented the needed DSDT patches for one of my systems in the posting Technical details of my Hackintosh installation. Many of these patches are quite generic.

Compiling ASL source to DSDT AML binary

After applying the desired set of patches, compile the ASL source back to a DSDT AML binary file~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.aml with the following command:

    ~: $ iasl ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.dsl

Configuring Chameleon preboot image to load the DSDT AML binary

Let’s say you have the modified DSDT AML binary saved as the file ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.aml. In order for Chameleon to find and load the patched DSDT, the file needs to be installed as Extra/dsdt.amlunder the preboot image root. So copy it like this:

    ~: $ sudo install -o root -g wheel -m 644 ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/dsdt.aml /Volumes/Preboot/Extra

Customizing SMBIOS

System Management BIOS or SMBIOS stores some details about your hardware[18],[19]. In Mac OS X you can view the current SMBIOS information with System Profiler.app. Chameleon allows customization of the SMBIOS values. You can do this by creating the file Extra/smbios.plist under the preboot image root. You could use this feature to make your Hackintosh mimic some existing Mac model or you could provide your own values. It’s all optional, though. But If you want to do that, then read these articles[20],[21],[22] for more details and save the resulting file as /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/smbios.plist.

Here is a sample smbios.plist which gives the system a custom serial number.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Configure Chameleon to use the preboot image

By default Chameleon tries to find DSDT and SMBIOS data from the system disk. In order to instruct Chameleon to use the preboot image, the file RAMDisk.plist needs to be added to the root directory of the preboot file system. So save the this as /Volumes/Preboot/RAMDisk.plist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Finalize preboot image

  1. Cleanup preboot file system

    ~: $ sudo find /Volumes/Preboot -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
    ~: $ sudo find /Volumes/Preboot -type d -a ! -name .fseventsd -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    ~: $ sudo chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/Preboot
    ~: $ sudo find /Volumes/Preboot -name .DS_Store -exec rm {} \;
    ~: $ sudo rm -rf /Volumes/Preboot/.Trashes
  2. Eject the preboot disk

    ~: $ hdiutil eject /dev/disk3

The preboot image ~/Desktop/Hackintosh/Preboot.dmg is now ready to be deployed in the Extra directory of a Chameleon boot disk.

Posted by Ritz®™