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2009. 2. 11. 14:56

Fujitus P1620 미니 타블렛 노트북 Hackintosh/NoteBook2009. 2. 11. 14:56

P1620 - 미니 타블렛 노트북 Leopard 10.5.5 설치방법

10.5.6 도 문제는 없겠지만, 10.5.5 버전이 P160모델에는 더 안정한 것 같다.
먼저 Everest를 돌려서 시스템의 칩셋을 점검하였다. 

1. 하드웨어 사양. 

- Model: Fujitus P1620 
- CPU: Core2Duo 1.2G (intel U7600)
- RAM: DDR2 2G
- VGA: GMA950 
- HDD: 100G (IDE/5400rpm)
- Sound: Realtech ALC262 
- LAN: Marvell Yukon 88E8055 
- Wireless: 3945 ABG 
- 기타: Bluetooth, Touch screen, fingerprint scanner, function keys 

바이러스 문제로 여러가지 문제가 있는 Windows를 버리고 하드디스크 100G 통째로 OSX를 설치하게 되었다.
우선은 위 사양에서 설치시 사용자화에서 드라이버 혹은 패치를 설치해줘야 할 부분은 색깔을 달리하였다.
위 드라이버를 설치시에 반드시 선택해줘야 한다.

2. 설치시 반드시 체크해야 할 항목

- Kernel: 9.5.0
- Language: Korean
- Graphic Driver : GMA950 드라이버
- Ethernet driver: 마땅한 드라이버가 없어서 선택하지 않고 추가 드라이버 설치 필요
- Wirelees driver: 마땅한 드라이버가 없어서 추가 드라이버 설치 필요
- Audio driver: AppleHDA patched by taruga - Chipset patch: 모두 선택
- Fix:    - Powermangement    - PoweOff_fix - Application: 모두선택

3. 추가로 설치해야 할 드라이버들

- 헤드폰/마이크잭 작동 패치는 HDA patcther 1.2와 ALC262 codec dump를 이용
- 네트웍 카드: IONetworkingFamily.kext 파일 info.plist 수정하는 방법을“yukon 카드 설치”구글링하여 설치      
* 기존 설치하셨던 분이 DVD 설치옵션에서 네트워크관련 드라이버 모두 해제 후에 설치해야 정상적으로 잡힌다는 글 참조.

4. 결과

- 터치스크린도 작동
- 타블렛매직2.0 지원 안됨.
- GMA950: QE/CI 지원, 해상도 설정 변경
- 잠자기/깨기, 재실행, 끄기
- 터치스크린 잘 작동. 인식율 양호
- 나머지는 귀차니즘 때문에 잘 안되는 부분이 또한 많아서......

'Hackintosh > NoteBook' 카테고리의 다른 글

NC10  (0) 2009.04.16
NC10에 해킨토시 설치하기  (5) 2009.04.16
HP Mini 1001TU 와 OSX Leopard  (6) 2009.03.09
HP Mini 1013TU  (1) 2009.02.28
HP Mini 1013TU에 Leopard 설치하기  (2) 2009.01.29
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 2. 10. 23:48

Hackintosh Software Update Application2009. 2. 10. 23:48

REALLY COOL! Hackintosh Software Update 

Let me open their project for hackintosh, it’s really amazing! Following is their comment.


Hackintosh Software Update is a program in development designed to bring OSX86 users the latest software updates for their installations. If you want to get in touch with the project developers, join #swupdate on the Moofspeak IRC network. If you have a well-know IRC client installed...... Our Software Updater will seem familiar to most Mac users, as we are using the same/similar design principals as the actual Apple Software Updater. Here is a screenshot from an early build... 

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 2. 10. 23:48

illustrator Short Key Application/Adobe2009. 2. 10. 23:48

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 2. 9. 10:15

Snow Leopard Leaked macOS/Snow Leopard2009. 2. 9. 10:15

Snow Leopard Leaked

- try to install with terminal.
- open terminal and goto /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages.
- had to use IOATAFamily.kext from 10.5.6 with ide legacy
- but, some HDD activity
- cpupower disabled
- formatted to GUID or installing to gpt
- Need AppleDecrypt and disabler and debug kernel
- how to force load /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext?
- to use bootloader with timestamp ignoring
- it will ignore mtiime on mkext and Extensions folder.
- will boot mkext if it present
- kernel panic when it boots kexts, not mkext.
- the way is to have newest bl and proper mkext.
- regenerate extensions.mkext ?
- can generate mkext with 10a222 build , or, unpack mkext from dvd dmg, add kexts, and pack it.
- mkextunpack & kextcache.
- about system.kext? it doesnt unpack system.kext from the Extensions.mkext on the dvd.
- try to add system.kext to it ...it fails.
- use 10a222 to generate mkext for u.
- it can create mkext automaticaly on 261 partition.
- Reading Startup Extensions: then panic.
- rename /S/L/E folder.
- then boot -s , rename it to original name, so system wil see it.
- when there is no /S/L/E folder - bootloader boots mkext
- .bundle's and .plugin's never load or use from /Extra/Extensions.
- make sure there is no /Extra/Extebsions fodler either
- only Extra/Extensions.mkext.

Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 2. 9. 07:37

10.5 BootCamp 드라이버 macOS/Leopard2009. 2. 9. 07:37

Finder에서 /Application/Utilities로 이동한다. 

콘트롤 키를 누른채  Boot Camp Assistant를  클릭하여 Show Package Contents 를 선택한다.

Contents/Resources에 dmg 화일을 클릭하여 디스크 이미지를 마운트한다.

Disk image 내의 USB메모리 스틱에 복사한다.  

'macOS > Leopard' 카테고리의 다른 글

Apple 키보드 매핑  (0) 2013.02.25
맥에서 백업하기  (0) 2011.02.13
root 계정 활성화 하기  (0) 2009.12.16
응용프로그램을 클릭한방으로 알아서 Update해보자 - AppFresh  (0) 2009.12.03
Posted by Ritz®™
This probably isn't Spotlight so much as one of the index plugins (mdimporters). 
Spotlight itself is very robust, however, all it takes is a single bad indexing plugin. 
MDS, basically, identifies a file type and loads in a list of plugins that are registered for that file type and executes a routine in the plugin to grab the metadata. 
If the plugin is improperly written, it can go haywire. 
What was the last application that you installed prior to it going crazy? 
Perhaps one of the last 2-3... Failing that, you can wipeout the metadata database for a Volume like so 
(from Terminal.app)
: sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/your_volume_here ... 

or '/' in place of '/Volumes/...' for the local disk. 
You can turn off metadata indexing for a volume entirely like so
: sudo mdutil -i off /Volumes/your_volume_here 

You may also want to see what index plugins are being used
: sudo lsof | grep mdimporter ... 

which might help you understand what's being used to index, and this
: sudo lsof | grep mdworker 

... will tell you what worker threads are running and the files they have open (some of which will be the files they are indexing).
Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 2. 8. 05:22

Safari 사용법 Hackintosh/Q&A2009. 2. 8. 05:22

아래 그림과 같이 툴바, 북마크, 탭바 상태바등을 Hide/Show를 선택하여 보이거나 안보이게 할 수 있다.


Posted by Ritz®™
2009. 2. 8. 05:22

Spotlight is going rampant here. Hackintosh/Q&A2009. 2. 8. 05:22

Spotlight is going rampant here. 
The mds (metadata server, aka Spotlight) process is constantly accessing the disk and writing some data to it, filling it until there is no space left on the device. 
I cannot find out what file it is writing to. 
I've tried with fsevener which sadly didn't help. 
mds is also eating up all the CPU cycles it can get leaving my system fully loaded at all times. 
The mds process is also taking up inceasingly huge amounts of memory, causing permanent swapping of memory and bringing the system to a grinding halt. (Cache Hits go down below 1%, About 250.000 pageins happen per minute.) 
Memory Footprint is going up to several hundred MB or real RAM. 
$ vm_stat 
Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: (page size of 4096 bytes) 
Pages free: 53166. 
Pages active: 275736. 
Pages inactive: 135633. 
Pages wired down: 59698. 
"Translation faults": 10217862. 
Pages copy-on-write: 136166. 
Pages zero filled: 5983710. 
Pages reactivated: 96772. 
Pageins: 1236330. 
Pageouts: 77113. 
Object cache: 24391 hits of 1183451 lookups (2% hit rate) (This is 95 minutes after reboot. Only running: Finder, Terminal, LaunchBar, Safari, Mail) 
This bahaviour goes until the disk is full and I get a "low disk space" warning. 
Then mds crashes, the system frees up the (temporary?) files written by the process and also frees the RAM taken up by it. 
Resulting in even more swapping, as the system tries to page-in other processes now. 
Subseqently the system launches a new mds process and the game starts over. 
Things I've tried to remedy:

Rebuilt spotlight index several times. 
Including totally deleting the .Spotlight-V100 folder on local volumes. 
Doesn't help, takes about 16 to 20 hours to rebuild on my machine, so is not a thing one wants to just-try.

Reinstalled 10.5.5 Combo Update, doesn't help. 
Privileges are repaired.

Turn off spotlight completely: Does indeed stop the madness, but now I cannot find anything on my system. 
So this is not a solution at all.

I've tried to keep the index small by excluding more and more stuff in the privacy settings of the Spotlight PreferencePane. This doesn't solve the problem either.

My System:
PowerBook G4 1.5GHz
2GB RAM (Maximum) (Tested with ASD ok, Rember ok. Different RAM modules, also ok.)
160GB HD (5GB free) (SMART ok, Blockscan ok, Filesystem ok, File privileges ok)
Mac OS X 10.5.5 (9F33) including Security Update 2008/007 (no further updates available)

Any help or suggestions are welcome. I'm happy to provide any further details you may need.
Best regards
Posted by Ritz®™